Huge Halo/ Star Wars Bundle - Part 1
Today when I finished I rang my dad to see if he was finished too, and since he was we decided to walk up home together.
When we met up, he asked if I wanted to take a walk up the town and look in a few shops... That we did.
Let Me Just Set The Scene... We get into the shop, have a look around and I notice some Lego stuff, pre-made up on the shelf; they were cool, but after turning to the otherside of the display, I see a tank and say. "That looks like a Scorpion Tank." Then notice the drivers are Spartans, and then see the few jeeps along the display unit, with UNSC decals on them.
It was all Halo stuff. On another display stand there were more Halo stuff, and some Star Wars Lego stuff. All really reasonably priced, from between €3 - €15 a piece, and most had mini figures with them.
Here is half of the collection, in all its glory.
So, what happened was, I inspected a few of the bits, picked up a 2 warthogs, scorpion tank, a chopper which cost me €25.
As I was at the counter talking with the guy, I saw one of the other staff walk out of the backroom and place some more vehicles in there place. I went back over and picked up one of the mech-suits (can't remember the name of them off hand) and a few ghosts. This second bundle cost me €16.
€41 spent so far, about 7 vehicles - including mini-figures - and I was happy enough to leave it there.
Here's a close up on some of the figures.
What happened was, I bought the small bundle in two transactions, and then headed on up the hill.
On the way, my dad said I should put them up for sale on my eBay shop. To be honest, I was planning on just keeping them for myself. But, decided to look up the Scorpion Tank online, and saw it was €90 - €120.
Here's the lot from another angle; this tank is cool, and I didn't realise initially, but all of the vehicles seem to have features like this, which allows them to extend, and change shape.
Standing on the hill, my dad said to just go back and see if they'd do me a deal on the whole lot.
I was apprehensive at first, thinking I shouldn't, because of all the money I've been spending lately. But, the thought of the return for flipping these Mega Bloks/ Lego kits, was tempting, if that's the potential turn around.
This is a Wraith, and it's very cool and comes with an elite inside.
There is also a hidden elite within the belly of the vehicle who I haven't been able to get out yet.
The back turret expands and comes out of the thing, which is deadly.
Getting back into the shop, I enquired about a potential deal on the lot, and she said to get what I wanted and we'll see what we can do.
It came to €120, and she said €100 so I thought that was fair; but, before leaving, I asked if there were any more figures, as some vehicles didn't seem to have any.
Here's an example, one Warthog has a driver and elite gunner, while the other does not.
She went into the back room, and came back with - I'm not messing - a mountain of figures.
Mostly Halo, some of their own Lego mini-figs too. We got dividing, to see what they had.
There are some kickass figures here, and some special ones with their own display stands and names.
After counting, there were 98, not including the ones in the vehicles, and she said that they usually sell them for €1 each.
A bit of thinking, and discussing the amount already spent, she came up with the number €40 for the lot of them, and I happily said yes.
I find these smaller vehicles really cool. The troop transport and chopper.
€140 for the lot, not including the €41 I spent already.
€181 all together, for a lot that is somewhere in the range of €1,500, I still can't believe it. There could be more money in this than that, but as a low estimate, I think I'm around that ballpark.
For example, some of the small figures on stands seem to go for, €10, €20, or even €30 singly. Vehicles, €30 - €80, maybe €90, maybe more, I haven't been able to look them up properly.
The special figures make up about 15 of the initial 98, not including the ones on vehicles, so lets say 15 x 15 on average, we're looking at €225 just there.
The rest could be bundled up into small groups of Spartans, Covenant, and Banished, maybe 5 figures per lot for €10, or even included with vehicles.
It is an immense collection, and I have way more to show, which I'll have to leave for another post, considering the length this one is at already.
Wow! Sounds like you're potentially in for some big bucks there!!
Having more stuff in your eBay shop will give customers more options and hence confidence in you, but maybe be careful about tying up too much cash in stock. It might also be a good idea to build up a relationship with that shop owner so you can get first dips in new good stock he has, but don't tell him about your eBay shop!!! Good luck
I'd like to potentially put the offer out there that I'll buy anything like that in bulk if they get them in, and to give me a call. But, you're right, I wouldn't mention the re-selling, because it might be considered a bit cheeky.
There's potential there, but I don't want to count any chickens before they hatch. To be fair though, I'd like to keep it, so I don't mind if they sit around for a while.
I was thinking more along the lines they might check out how much you make in the flip, and charge you more 🤑
Oh damn, that's a good point too. They were really fairly priced - for the buyer, but they could have easily charged a bit more.
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Oh wow, very exciting to stumble upon such valuable items. Keeping an eye on costs and potential profits sounds smart. Good luck with your collection brother !BEER
Thanks, it was an insane thing to find there, and it was really a case of right place, right time. Had I not gone in when I did, it would have been snapped up by someone else.
Absolutely would have been taken hehehe
Awesome collection!

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Thank you so much, I appreciate that.
Keep up the good work. 👏
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