Ghost of Tsushima

I've been really enjoying Ghost of Tsushima over the last couple of weeks, and each time I get a chance to get onto it I'm completely absorbed by it.


Play Time

The only chance I get to play it is a Friday and Saturday evening because those are the only two days I'm back home, but whether or not I have time to get on, depends on what I've got going on.

Each session is so good though, and leaves me feeling kind of sad as I turn it off, but also really excited by time the following week comes and I can get online.

It's one of the first single-player games I've played in a long time, and that, in and of itself, has been an enjoyable experience. Concentrating on conversations, while trying to focus on something is really difficult sometimes, and it leaves me in this state of half-playing something, which makes it hard to engage and connect with whatever I'm doing.

The Story/ Writing

Currently, I'm a few missions into a couple of the first characters you encounter. One is the head of a Dojo, who has been teaching me to use a bow, and we're in the process of hunting down his apprentice which has turned out to be kind of interesting.

The other is the sole survivor of a clan who was wiped out by bandits. That story is kind of heart-wrenching, and it also serves the purpose of building upon the world in an interesting way.

So, the Mongols have invaded, and they're the main enemy you encounter. But, Masako's story has served the purpose of showing that there are also Japanese bandit groups working in league with the invaders. That's good because it expands the list of enemies, but it also showcases some corruption caused by opportunists in this world, which adds a bit more flavour to the game's story and world.

I love stories that aren't just plain old black and white, moral grey areas in writing is always way more interesting, and as the story unfolds there seems to be more grey shining through here and there.



I'm building my character and legend up with each mission/ encounter I have, and at the moment, I kind of feel like a Samurai.

There are moments when I get through a battle, and I have this breath of relief. It's such a cool game. The combat is cool, and kind of reminds me of The Witcher 3 in a way.

Also, the Stand-off mechanic is so cool. Currently I can kill two people when I'm successful, and that feels absolutely awesome (when I can pull it off)

In general, I'm really enjoying it, and can't wait to see how it unfolds as I get deeper into the game.


I am playing this game too, love the main quest and what a beautiful world they created...right?

I can kill three people in a Stand-off and it feels awesome. Also, once you unlock the chain assassination skill, that's really satisfying too.


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