Getting Back Into Minecraft
A few weeks ago I got back into playing Minecraft. It happened out of nowhere one evening. It hadn't been on my mind at all and as I was floating through my library I clicked on it and started up a new world.
It's such an addictively easy-going game. There's something about the music that kind of lets you get lost, as you explore the world, delving into deep chasms, or racing through open meadows.
I noticed that it seems to be much harder than I remember it being. The mobs seem to do way more damage, and also, they seem to swarm in much larger packs.
There seemed to be so many new biomes, and that added to the excitement of the game itself, and kind of pulled me further into it.
Thank god for tutorials, because without them I would have had no way of figuring out what I was doing. There were even aspects of the game I remember from the last time I was playing it, but it had been so long that I'd almost completely forgotten what to do.
For example, enchanting items, this was one aspect of the game I had completely forgotten, and I had to learn a lot to get back into it.
The Deep Dark
I dug as far down as I could, which is one thing I could remember from when I used to play. Essentially, dig right down, and then start tunneling out walkways into rows with 2x4 blocks between so you can see what resources you uncover.
I came across this weird looking purple stuff coating the blocks, and every so often there were these light up tendril things. So I started messing around, removing the stuff and gaining experience. Then, it screamed, which kind of freaked me out. After a few minutes I carried on, and it screamed again, but I ignored it this time.
Well, a few minutes pass and then there was all of this weird noise and the lights in the cave, even the lava, started to pulsate from normal, to dim, then, boom, I was killed by this giant mob I had never seen before.
It was actually a terrifying experience, especially because I had picked up some decent stuff during this particular run. Sadly, the stuff was lost because I was couldn't get close enough to reclaim any of it.
I recently started it a villager farm, so I can get an iron golem farm going.
I've never really done any farms, but since looking up the tutorials a bunch of them have popped up, so I figured I may as well try some of them.
My younger son plays this regularly
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One of the best game I played when I was a kid