hope you having a great week this post is my entry to the hive Ghana weekly engagement, as usual we were presented with good topics to write on.
The thought of Christmas always brings good memories to me, the food , movies, tv, 31st night, family and friends.
In Ghana Christmas seasons are always fun ones , I am not a Christian but I do have good memories of Christmas and Christmas season as well. I do not participate in Christmas directly just the food part only lol.
During Christmas seasons there are usually lots of activities and parties going on for both kids and adults but unfortunately I never had permission to go for one but that didn’t spoil the fun.
I used to watch T.V a lot when I was younger because that was my main source of entertainment, I had no phone nor laptop. But now I am older and barely watch T.V, I am usually on my phone or laptop doing stuff . they are my main source of entertainment.
If you Ghanaian I am sure you have watched home alone or baby's day out, now that was the fun and delightful part about Christmas season for me, My siblings and I were always on the T.V 24/7, we would sit there literally the whole day changing stations here and there searching for the right Christmas movies to watch, the only time we got up was if it was time for prayers or time to go get your food from the kitchen, since all students are on holidays my cousins often come to spend the day at our place and get picked of by their parents later in the evening, it was always fun watching tv with them watching various Christmas carols , movies and most importantly movies that was constantly shown during that season. tv stations in Ghana show more movies during this seasons especially home alone and others.
Now to the food aspect, We always expected jollof from our neighbor and that’s a constant , her jollof is finger licking good, and guess what not just her alone we get food and snacks from, other neighbors and Christian family to.
Sometimes during Christmas season we travel to our hometown, to spend the vac with our grandma and extended family as well.
Lastly, My favorite day during Christmas season is 31st night, I will stay up till 12 a.m waiting for the the sounds of the fireworks from the nearby catholic church, when I hear the first firework then I conclude it’s a new year say a little prayer and sleep. I would always wonder what was happening and the fun I am missing out on ,anyway to compensate my self I think about the food we will get from neighbors celebrating new year the next
Thanks for reading and see you in my next post.
What is Christmas without jollof rice😂.
Here in Nigeria we add specialties like ukodo(catfish/chicken pepper soup) or other African continental dishes
Ikr but anyway Ghanaian jollof beats Nigerian jollof 😂
Okay, I'm not doing this debate lol...