RE: Gas tribe and thought about Capitalism

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A pleasure to follow your travels:) First and last are my absolute favourite!! The colours they are wearing are beautiful, maybe a reflection of what you had observed within their life's..?

Might I ask you if you are combining your travels (and photography) with "work" or are you documenting them "just" for yourself?


Thank you! I will try to write some info and reflection about their lifestyle in next posts. By the way, there are not indivual but community. In other words, community first, individual second. Their life are very simple, water and animals are the most precious things. There are also some rules about marriage (combinate marriage) but some people say 'no, I want to choose my wife or husband, but.... hard life to make this choice. About food, they eat fishes from Turkana lake, good taste fishes. They don't want to be photographed, but the chief of the village has talked with them, so some of them said yes to be photographed, other ones not. European people are like alien there, it is not a touristic places. We have also helped them simply taking there some food (biscuits, flour...) or buying some necklace and also some objects they make. Photography is not my job, only passion and curiosity to observe the world. Nevertheless, I wish to sell some prints and I do some exhibition, to share my passion with others and maybe to have more money to spend in travels.


It seems like a very inspiring journey you are on, or had there! get such an insight into different ways of living is great, I find, for everything and everyone, and not the least for any creative expression:)
I think it would be a great idea to print your photos and share your views of the world like that!!


Thank you!
This is the first print, I have found a good place where to print pic on fine art sheet
