We learn and grow while dealing with the adventure of life.
I was just casually thinking of how my younger sister will perform in her Exam which is scheduled for tomorrow. The Exam is called JAMB (Joint Admission and Matriculation Board) and for those in my part of the world, it's quite obvious that my Sis is sitting for this Exam because this will be her gateway to being admitted into a higher institution.
I'm almost 500 kilometers away from her and all I'm thinking about is how she would be able to go for this Exam alone without anyone to guide her through the journey. I still see her as a little kid who I know when she took her first step in life and a part of me is always worried about how she's going through the adventure that life throws on her path. To be fair, I'm like that with all my siblings even when I don't verbalize it to their hearing.
Thinking about all these made me realize just how the journey has been for me too. Being the first child meant I had to be the first in my family to go through some of these wild adventures. I was the first to go to boarding school and live away from home. I was the first to seek admission into University and I traveled to a longer distance to write my entrance exam to Uni. I was also the first in my family to go for NYSC (National Youth Service Corp) and I served the country when all hell was let loose due to COVID-19.
I obviously had the support of my parents although whenever I go for all these, I go alone and figure things out on my own. I know for a fact that I learned so much through that experience. I learned so much about being an independent lad and I learned so much about adapting and thriving in several situations. I remember when I went to do my Uni clearance after getting admission. Some newly admitted folks came around with their parents or siblings. For me, I came alone and got through all that alone.
One of the lessons I've learned from the experience I had growing up is to allow my siblings to also experience that growth. As an older sibling, I want to do things for my younger siblings. I want to guide them. I want to make life easier for them and I want to be sure they won't be exposed to bullshit. However, I don't want to deprive any of them of the adventure of life.
It's almost like the feeling of being a parent. You want to be there for your kids but you don't want to do everything for them.
I have four siblings and I'm glad about each of their growth and development. Their character is admirable and their attitude to life is appealing. I'm always proud of them and I know they will be doing a lot of great things with each breath they take.
It's been a really rough week and I've been laser-focused on some things. However, just for what's left of this day, I want to take some moments to get in touch with some of my siblings and be sure that they are having the best experience while contending with whatever life throws on their path. As for my Sis who will be travelling this evening for her Exam which is scheduled for tomorrow morning, I wish her all the best.
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You're an awesome older brother, come and adopt me na.
Haha... I'm having a good laugh already. It's really not easy to be graced with the role of an older brother to 4 siblings. Hehe. God has been helping me handle the role.
Somethings it just have to be one against the world
There are times that you just have to fight your demons alone
Cause If you don't no one would have the power to do that for you.
If you keep trying to come through always so she doesn't see life
You then actually help her to be weak in life
Cause you can not always be there for her
She has to face reality sometimes to know how life is and what it is all about
Even though we all don't want our love ones to pass through pain in life like we already did, sometimes we just have to let them witness how life is .
You are very correct and I concur with everything you said. This is a typical approach to learning and growing. We learn so much by passing through several experiences in life and it is easier for us to learn if we are exposed to such experience.
Life isn't easy, but we can't fight all the wars for our siblings. I'm glad she's getting this opportunity to experience life and learn so much
I'm happy you were able to see from my angle
Yes it sure is a typical approach to learning
Yes we can't
Am happy you got to see from my angle
@kenechukwu97 You can check out my new post where I talked more about a related issues of this boss
Interesting. I just checked the post and you made really good points there. Well Done, bro.
Thanks boss
You are really doing well, and I am proud of you. You care for them, but you still respect them enough to give them room for growth and adventure . That's beautiful. It sure is awesome, and you are going to be an amazing dad.
I wish your sis good luck on her first step toward life adventures without any supervision
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this. The position of an older brother to 4 siblings isn't an easy one. But, it can easily become an enjoyable one as I see my siblings grow into very decent adults.
I thank God for everything.
Hehe, it sure is enjoyable and you are doing well. Daalu
This life is filled with learning process and as far as we are alive, we will keep learning and learning
That's very true. Everyday is a learning opportunity for us. We need to make the best of it
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