People are resistant to the "Self-Evaluation" message.


There are reasons why a lot of people don't recount their steps or review their own actions or inactions. This is because it's so much easier to say "I'm suffering because the world is a mess" instead of looking at yourself to admit that you are suffering because you messed up or because you are taking the wrong approach to life.

It's often self-evident that we can improve on so many things if we choose to do so. A little bit of genuine and unbiased self-evaluation helps us to know what we can improve on. However, people find it hard to look at themselves and recognize just how undisciplined they have been.

Why? Because the moment they start doing a self-evaluation, they will realize that;

  • They don't know nearly as much as they think they know about life.

  • They are living an aimless life.

  • They set goals but never stick to them.

  • They are generally untrustworthy because they are incompetent.

  • They are not in good physical condition.

Hey! Isn't it awful to even look at yourself and realize that you have so much that you are lacking? I know it's hard, painful, and can even give you a bitter feeling. However, the moment you choose to ignore evaluating yourself just because you don't want to face the truth, your life will become similar to the life of someone who aimlessly lives each day just to kill time.

The alternative to not evaluating yourself is to just sit back and blame your family background for your poverty. Blame your neighbors for your bad behavior. Blame your government for everything and play the victim card at all times.

Trust me, I know that the government is not faultless in the suffering that people are going through. I know all about that because the experience we get from our government in my part of the world is as bad as it can be. Yet, if I blame the government for every bad thing I'm experiencing, would I also blame them for the outcome of my relationship with my God, my family, and my fiance?

It's about time we start taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions. I genuinely believe our lives can be so much better if we start by being disciplined in the things we are doing and the things we plan to do.

  • Do you have a habit that's draining your life and making you feel useless? How about you stop that habit?

  • Is there something you would want to do? How about you start working on it already? Make consistent efforts towards doing that.

Why would people be resistant to that message?

Every time I see people who are wasting their lives, I find it surprising to know that they are aware of what they are doing. They also know a thing or two about getting out of that misery. Someone who isn't in good shape knows that working out would help a great deal. Guess what? He just wouldn't do it because he knows it's not easy to commit to working out.

Well, good things take effort, discipline, and a great deal of persistence. Start by looking at yourself to see what you need to cut off and what you need to fit into your daily life. That's usually how you can improve yourself. Who knows? You may get to a point where you will be glad about what you see when looking at your reflection on a mirror.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash


Self-Evaluation message is always key. Yes it might be difficult to do but I strongly believe at one point of our lives, we really need to be sincere with ourselves instead of deceiving ourselves. We need to know which aspect of our life we need to work upon so that we will not be wasting our lives just as you said


Exactly. If we are blind to our own shortcomings, it would be impossible for us to work on correcting it. That's why we need to be open to recognize what we are doing wrong. That's usually how we would be able to work on that and improve it.


That's true. We learn by mistakes to become a better person


Nicely said.
Many times we(including me) are fond of running away from the truth especially things that have to do moving away from comfort zone🥲



Bro. That's so true and nobody is perfect about that. It just takes effort for us to edge towards that direction.


I think some people don't evaluate themselves because they are afraid to face the ugly truth which is that they are as bad as the leaders they blame.

I do tell some people that if we all keep blaming others for the cause of our woes then we are really not ready to get out of it.

Self evaluation is very good. That way you will know where you are lagging behind and improve better.

I hope many people read this post and also take lessons from it.

I came in from dreemport.


It's nice to get your thoughts about these because the world need to face the truth and practice Self-Evaluation. It's worth doing and worth doing well.

If we do that well enough, we will start seeing the things we are doing wrong and work on getting it right
