A Financial Advice that ended with a rug-pulll.
Because of my background knowledge in finance and the fact that I got into Crypto earlier than a lot of people around me, I often find myself in situations where people ask for my opinion about things related to money, finance, crypto, and investment as a whole.
When I'm in such situations, I always make myself available to assist in any way possible because I want the best for people and if all it takes is my time and knowledge of finance, then, I'm all-in to help make things easier.
Well, during my early days in this, I was still working in the marketing unit of a bank and I had some colleagues who worked alongside me in the unit. When they got to see how informed I am about Cryptocurrency and all, they started to ask about "the next big thing in Crypto".
They were asking for something they could get into and become millionaires overnight. As a newbie who was making some bucks from Crypto, I picked a few projects and shilled the living hell out of that. Remember, I was in the marketing unit. So, my ability to shill stuff is always on point. Haha.
It didn't take a while for them to show interest already. I brought them onboard a platform that was built as a SocioFi project. People on the platform get to write and earn their token which was built on Eth Blockchain.
It didn't cost a penny to operate there. So, my colleagues and I were breaking ourselves in half each day to consistently do stuff over there. They consistently operated their account for 6 months and each of us was anticipating the coming of a bull run so we could cash out huge rewards.
To be fair, I was the one that had higher anticipation. They wanted to cash out their earning on several occasions, but because the token was built on Ethereum, I genuinely didn't want them to spend everything on gas fees. I was ready to cash out during the bull run. So, I convinced them to do the same.
Surprisingly, just when a mini bull run was around the corner, the founder of the platform drove the price of the token down to 0, pulled a huge scam on folks, and rugged the entire platform.
Oh, my!
That was one heck of an experience!
Each of us struggled to accept that reality.
I felt really bad for convincing them to get into the project because that rug-pulll experience completely clouded their perception of Cryptocurrency as a whole. They didn't blame me for anything. They understood that I was also affected by the scam. However, the fact that they didn't even blame me somehow made me feel worse about the whole experience.
I didn't feel at peace. I had to invite them over to my apartment that weekend. We cooked well-spiced chicken that day, enjoyed the moment, and prepared ourselves for the next big thing. The next big thing for me was to take a deeper dive into Crypto. However, they called it quits and haven't been able to fully recover from that loss.
What they both lost is not as much as what I lost, but that's the case for another day. The devil is in the details. Hehe.
After that incident, I remember telling myself repeatedly that "I won't tell people what to do with their money again". If someone wants to sell or buy and needs my advice, I will give it. However, I won't tell you to buy this or sell this at any given time.
Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash
This is my entry to the Final Week of The Thinker's Corner Challenge.
It's not a good feeling to have friends lose their equity on our opinion either let alone on advice. "NFA, Not financial Advice."
Exactly. I now avoid giving people financial advice. Instead, I make them understand what's on board and it's left for them to decide on what to do next
Those projects that involves shilling most times are scam.
Some after grading, you will end up working and shilling without getting anything.
It can be annoying and frustrating.
Exactly. In those early Crypto years, I fell into that scam without even knowing anything about it.
At the moment, I'm very careful and intentional when getting into any project
My dear.
It's always hard to know.
I have also adopted this attitude as I think it is most prudent. I will inform and explain as much as I know to anyone who asks. Be it about finance, career, real estate whatever. However I will not advice on what action to take. In today's world almost all actions are truly individual in nature and once they have the required data it has to be their own decision, without any influence from. As you highlighted the burden is too high when we feel we have influenced them.
Exactly. This is why making decisions for people is no longer the right way to go about things, especially when it is preferable to let people look at available information and make decisions based on what they can afford to deal with.
This is something that causes fear to grip you. Thankfully, they were understanding, per say and they did not bug you for the loss.
Financial advice is one that is akin to lovebirds advice. It takes pedalling softly and allowing them space to discover things for themselves.
Thankfully , again this doesn't hinder you from doing what you can for those who truly need you. I feel that is a great attribute of yours and I hope you continue in it till you're old and grey, hahaha. Kudos
This is a wholesome observation from you, Becky. Financial Advice is a very risky thing to get into because people can easily lose their money if something goes wrong. And, to be fair, things usually go wrong because the world economy as a whole is really messed up.
While I'm trying to stay away from telling people what to do with their money, I still avail myself to assist people and offer guidance when the need arises. There is just a thin line between offering guidance and telling people exactly what to do. Hehe. I'm trying hard to make sure I won't cross that line.
Well I'm sure you've got a firm grip on the reins and won't cross that line hahaha.
Have a pleasant weekend
Hehehe, it isn't good to make financial decision for people, making the decision in itself is not the problem but if is doesn't go as planned you might end up being in trouble. Inasmuch as I want people to prosper, I dare not tell you do this or that with their money, I'll tell you what I know and allow you decide for yourself. Sorry about that experience. But you still did them well by giving them a nice meal 😁😁
Brother. I had to give them a very good meal and this is coming from someone who usually likes to flex the weekend by himself, especially during that period when I was in the banking sector. Haha. The weekdays are always busy. So, my weekend is when I get to do a lot of house cleaning and also relax. Lol.
I learned from that experience and it's something I wouldn't want to experience again. It makes me even wonder how people feel when they launch scam projects and steal people's money. Anyone who's able to do that must have embraced the dark side of his/her humanity.
The hearts of men are terrible, eve the Bible says, the heart of a man is wicked, who can discern it? We jus have to be very careful, making prosper research before we invest our money into project.
I have been wondering how my boss knows so much about crypto, so he is/was a banker😁😁 you should have hired me to do clean up for you on weekends na🤣
Yes oooo, Bro. Doing research is very important, especially now that it has become so much harder to thrive with money. Haha. The little we have needs to be well secured. If we are diving into investment, we did to do it will good caution.
You are whining me with Banking job 😂😂. Haha. Those banking days are behind me at the moment. Lol.
Happy Sunday, Bro.
That is true sir. Heheh, I no fit whine my boss na, I no ready to go kirikiri🤣🤣
Have have blessed day daddy