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I was at a prep school for SAT just after completing high school. At our orientation we were asked to participate in an exercise which I found quite interesting.

We were told to pick an animal that best described us as individuals and give reasons for our choice. I said I am more of a tiger, I like to hunt alone for myself, but more importantly for my family.

Also, I have enough strength and motivation to carry me through down periods, I love having my solitude periods, times when I reflect and improve upon myself. That strong desire to keep on growing stronger, to be able to better protect all who I care about.

One of the coordinators made an important comment, she said hope you will not go alone on your training, for, she continued,. as simple as this exercise might seem, you are most likely telling the truth about your character. Interestingly, I struggled to keep in touch with other members. But, over time I was able to come around with help and support from family and friends.


One, monumental period of liberation I experienced came when I felt so choked and pressured by how fast I was growing up and the fears of the future. I had a lot of questions unanswered. To me I was loosing control of my life. I was loosing my childhood 'sparks' I felt threatened by the society. I didn't want to accept certain responsibilities placed upon me.
It was during that period that the movie "Frozen" and especially the song “let it go” by Demi Lovato became very instrumental in relieving the pressures I faced.
In the song I felt Elsa's desire to be free to live her life by her choice, something I so much desired for myself as well, cause I felt I was been pushed into a system and way of life that I did not like. It was in those moments that I began to interact with what I truly wanted out of life. About the kind of life I am choosing to live and have for myself and my family.


While drinking on the message from the song, I searched for more of Lovato's songs and “Roar” just hit me like a hurricane it felt like I came alive.
It felt like I was saying I am not going to surrender. I am not going to bend the knee to no one, I might bend now, but not out of fear or in submission, but to wait and grow and when it is time… 🎶you’re gonna hear me roar oh oh oh oh ohohoh… 🎶

Up till this period I still feel alive, and I am currently trying to stop habits and thought patterns that seems to be holding myself back. Rather, to find and develop newer ones that will help me wherever possible and as needed to develop myself and soar.

So, what do you think about your journey so far?
Share your thoughts below.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oh! How I loved "Let it go" so much it was my ring tone for almost a year. Can sing it from beginning to end without mistakes.
Great piece you wrote here🎶


Yeah, the song has gotten stuck in my head now that, I can't let it go! 😄

Thank you.


What a powerful journey of self-discovery and growth! Your resilience and determination are truly inspiring, I love that. Thanks for sharing!


It is the power of music acting in you. Both songs are very powerful and in my opinion have the power to transform. I'm glad you felt inspired by them, I have a whole playlist of positive songs that boost my energy to face certain days. Thanks for sharing this today 🙏
