Striped lynx spider

It is a beautiful spider. This is macro sized spider. Which I saw yesterday in the afternoon. When I was walking along our yard then I saw this insect was sitting on a leaves. This is the spider . and this is the common in our region. This is a unique and beautiful spider. Then I did some photography of it. This is a Brazilian Striped lynx spider. I found this name by searching on Google.




We often see different types of spiders around us. Apart from inside the house, we also see a kind of spider hanging in webs on the leaves or branches of trees outside. This is a different and smaller spider that I originally found on leaves. Its legs are very cut. It looked very nice and when I saw it sitting very nicely on the leaves I liked the look so I took some photographs of it. But the way it looks like it might jump out and attack at any moment. But the ones with jumping spiders look a bit scary. But it looks nice.
