Movies & TV || IT ENDS WITH US || ROMPER EL CIRCULO (My opinion)

On Friday I had the pleasure of going to the movies with two of my sisters. It had been a few months since I last visited a movie theater, so I was happy to see a movie again on a giant screen and with excellent company. The three of us were very excited to see this movie that was being so highly recommended both on social networks and in our closest circle of friends. It is the film BREAKING THE CIRCLE whose name in English is IT ENDS WITH US.

The film tells the story of a woman who marries a seemingly perfect man: attractive professional, loving and with many other virtues that are tarnished by his anger management problem. At the same time she tells her family story when she was younger and lived with her parents. Some scenes show us that her mother suffered abuse and violence from her father, which explains the resentment and resentment that the protagonist harbors towards her father, who dies at the beginning of the film.

The thread of the film goes from the present to the past when the girl remembers her first love and her first sexual experience with a very special boy whom she remembers with much love. The story of romance between the girl and this character from the past is very interesting and greatly influences the climactic events of the film when this person reappears in the girl's life. I don't want to make too much of a spoiler since it is a movie that has just been released and I hope you can see it so you can have your own perspective on it, but the purpose of this post is to give my opinion on the plot and the message.

En mi opinión personal, a la trama le faltó un poco más de fuerza al momento de transmitir el mensaje sobre la violencia familiar. Considero que el tema se trato de manera muy superficial, tanto que algunas personas se enfocaron más en la historia romántica y no en el trasfondo de la situación.
De hecho la resolución del conflicto entre la chica y su esposo violento se dio de manera muy fácil, dando a entender que es sencillo salir de una situación como esta.
The first thing I must say that it was not very positive, in my case, to have so many expectations regarding the plot. Expectations that were created by the comments of some people who claimed to cry a lot when watching the movie. In fact, some women in the movie theater connected so much with some scenes that they actually felt like crying. So I believe that the emotions produced by the film have a lot to do with the personal experience of each person.
In my personal opinion, the plot lacked a little more strength in conveying the message about family violence. I consider that the subject was treated in a very superficial way, so much so that some people focused more on the romantic story and not on the background of the situation.
In fact, the resolution of the conflict between the girl and her violent husband was given in a very easy way, implying that it is easy to get out of a situation like this.

No obstante, en cuanto al personaje del esposo no me gusto que le pusieran un trauma infantil en su historia como justificativo de su problema de manejo de ira, porque esto produjo que algunas mujeres comenzaran a compadecer al hombre alegando que su ira era comprensible debido a su trauma personal y que la cica bien lo podía haber ayudado a superarlo y por ende perdonarlo y seguir a su lado.
The film became controversial because many people agree that the main theme was not addressed with the strength and clarity it deserves to leave a strong message. On the other hand, some other people thought it was a good way to show the topic. The positive thing that I can highlight is that the episodes of violence that the protagonist experiences at the hands of her husband were not too many or grotesque, which can send the message that it is not necessary to wait to be abused excessively to seek help or leave a situation. situation like this.
However, regarding the husband's character, I did not like that they put a childhood trauma in his story as justification for his anger management problem, because this caused some women to begin to pity the man, claiming that his anger was understandable due to his personal trauma and that the cica could have helped him overcome it and therefore forgive him and continue by his side.

Para finalizar puedo decir que recomiendo que vean la película y que fijen su posición al respecto, lo positivo de la controversia es que da cabida a que un tema tan importante como lo es la violencia doméstica esté nuevamente en el tapete y mucha gente este hablando de ello.
Gracias por leer, saludos y bendiciones.
In summary, in my personal opinion, I consider that the main topic, which is domestic violence, could have been delved much deeper into, as it is discussed in the book on which the film is based, because I believe that they left many ambiguous aspects that have been lent to multiple interpretations. In fact, through social networks I was able to learn that there is also a lot of controversy regarding the very superficial way in which the leading actress is developing the marketing of said film, totally opposite to what the main actor who in turn is trying to promote. the producer of the film.
To conclude, I can say that I recommend that you watch the film and establish your position on the matter. The positive thing about the controversy is that it allows an issue as important as domestic violence to be on the table again and many people are talking about it. it.
Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.


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Sinceramente esta película cuando leí todas las criticas que le dieron, tanto buenas como malas le perdí mucho las ganas, porque a veces me dejo llevar por la publicidad y como los actores promocionan estos estrenos y justamente Blake lo hizo bastante mal y le perdí el interés, pero con esta reseña puedo darle otra visión, como a esas películas que no estoy segura si ver porque me harán molestar o sentirme mal pero si podría ver porque me ayudarán a ayudar a otras personas o a entender otros mensajes que tal vez, ni dios quiera sea extremo, cosas que yo no entienda como sobrellevar.
Estoy de acuerdo contigo, quizá no te sientas conectada con la trama porque gracias a Dios no has vivido una experiencia que te permita comprender ciertas actitudes, pero te puede servir para ayudar a otras mujeres de tu entorno. Gracias por leer, bendiciones!