Hive Arte || Coloreando ando.

Happy and blessed weekend dear creative friends it is a pleasure to post again in the Hive Arte community and to greet you again. Today I want to share with you this drawing that I was coloring this afternoon as a way to calm my nerves and my anxiety about the difficult situation that my country is going through.

This is a drawing of a flower that I found among some drawings I had printed and I decided to give it some color, but using the line technique, so I drew lines with different patterns on the petals and leaves of this flower. I chose colors in bright and cheerful tones to make the flower look much prettier.

Doing this drawing was an excellent way to calm my nerves and anxiety about the situation we are going through, it allowed me to get away from the networks and from constantly watching the news. It's something I recommend to people who are going through anxiety episodes, do something creative to keep them busy and create beautiful things.

Gracias a todos por leer, saludos y bendiciones.
Filling in the drawings with different line patterns helps us to keep our minds focused and produces a very pleasant feeling of serenity. It is a very easy technique, you just have to let yourself get carried away by creativity. There are also many simple references on Pinterest and other platforms that can serve as a guide. I am aware that these are not professional drawings by any means, but my goal is to use this technique as a relaxation, focus and concentration therapy.
Thank you all for reading, greetings and blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
El banner de portada y los separadores de textos son diseñados por mi en
Uso traductor Deepl

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Muchas gracias por el apoyo.
Muy bonito, y tienes mucha razón, en particular este tipo de dibujo puede ayudar a incrementar los nivele de atención y concentración, muy recomendados cuando estamos ante una situación de estrés.
Muy lindo amiga. Realmente cada vez que pintó, encuentro mi lugar bonito, de tranquilidad, paz y serenidad. Muy bonito 🤩