Hive Arte || Cat Art

Greetings dear creative friends, what a pleasure to greet you once again and share with you a new drawing. This afternoon I wanted to relax a little and decided to color with my favorite technique.

In this opportunity I chose to color a cat, since lately I am really liking this niche. I have seen on the web many drawings and animations of cats in various styles and I find them all interesting. For my drawing I chose a silhouette of a cat divided into geometric shapes. Each of the spaces I filled with straight lines of different colors.

I usually use different line patterns when drawing, straight lines, curved lines, spirals and others. However, for this drawing I decided to use only straight lines so that the final result would look much more harmonious. I chose the colors randomly without any specific order and I was drawing lines until I filled the whole drawing.

I really liked the final result and doing this drawing kept me quite entertained and relaxed. Soon I will be looking for new ideas and new drawings alluding to cats, as I like this niche very much. Thanks for reading, greetings and blessings.

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Samsung A32.
El banner de portada y los separadores de textos son diseñados por mi en
Uso traductor Deepl

Waooo esta genial
Gracias,me alegra que te haya gustado.
Saludos 🤗