The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #139: SOMETHING IN THE WIND
There was something in the wind....A strange sensation, like a tingling, in Marian's body warned her. From the window there was a hint of a change in the air...suddenly she turned in a different direction. Enter sharply through the large window from where Marian, seated on her velvet sofa, gazed at the emerging roses in her grandmother Pilar's garden. This young girl, bold and curious, stepped out into the wind. There she encountered a subtle mist of colors that reminded her of the orchids of her childhood. At the same time she was engrossed by that fortuitous breath of fate that made her talk to herself:
-I always wanted to be myself. The life I have is extremely boring. The mere fact of belonging to the European royalty requires me to follow very rigid canons. That is of no use to me. My mother is looking for suitors to present to me at the next party my father, Luis, Count of Monclova, will give. As a child I always liked acting. My grandmother Eufrasia, when she saw me performing in the mirror, suggested that I should study piano. That was the right thing to do for a girl of my lineage. And so it was. Now I always entertain at family gatherings and the most intimate parties. But my grandmother Pilar ....! Ay! she has always been my accomplice. I'll tell her my secret so she can help me keep it.
Two weeks passed since she had these sensations. One day, playing her piano, the air is filled with mystery. The expectant feeling becomes present at that moment; as if something was going to happen. The wind blows again, her heart begins to beat strongly, she was always fascinated by the unknown. She decided to follow her instinct...but this time a whispering voice appears out of nowhere:
-Fulfill your dream. Be an actress. That's what you like and love to do.
Without thinking Marian left her piano and went to tell her secret to grandmother Pilar:
-Grandma, you have always understood and supported me?
-Yes, my daughter. Don't go around in circles. Tell me, what's going on in that little head of yours that has your heart so disconsolate?
-I want to be an actress. You have to support me.
-Daughter, for God's sake! That's beyond what I thought. Are you sure?
-Yes, Grandma. -Yes, Grandma.
-Then we have to make a plan. Let me see what we can do without getting suspicious. You go on doing your usual things. In a week we'll talk about it.
Meanwhile, the preparations for the party, where Marian would meet several marriageable boys, continue.
As time goes by, Grandma Pilar talks to Marian:
-I already have the perfect plan. You will go on a trip on the ship Illusion. Your film will be shot there. I will convince your parents. I will go with you so as not to arouse suspicion. Now let's make the preparations.
Marian kisses her grandmother and jumps for joy.
Everything went perfectly and the two ladies left on the ship for an unsuspected voyage. There, Marian met the director and all the other members of the team. Of course, the grandmother had already told the fake director her whole plan. Two days after sailing, filming began. Of course Marian would be the main character. She arrived very happy with her grandmother on the deck of the ship. There, decked out in luxurious jewelry, the performance began. This went on for four consecutive days. On the fifth day an unusual breath of air is perceived.
-Again...there's something in the wind. Marian thinks
At that moment she was so engrossed, in the performance, that she did not notice anything different. The gentle breeze was increasing, gusts of rain began to follow one after the other. The filming stopped. Suddenly, in the distance, a strange ship came into view. Nothing abnormal yet... Marian is already starting to worry, although she doesn't know why.
After two hours of sailing under the storm, the Illusion Ship is attacked by pirates. They kidnap Marian. Meanwhile, the daring director gives the order to film the whole event. Grandma faints.... The captain gives the order to attack the pirates to rescue Marian. Unfortunately he does not succeed.
Marian would be taken by the pirate ship to an island that is not yet registered in the geography of the place. The captain had heard of the so-called Savage Island but did not believe it. In those fateful moments he decided to meet with the crew. They all agreed to take the risk to save Marian. The ship Illusion changes its route to Wild Island, where legend has it that the pirates' treasures are located. Some passengers protest; the more adventurous ones applaud the decision.
After the storm came the calm and with it came the riots among the passengers. In the midst of all the commotion, the captain had a dialogue:
-Every passenger is important to us. We must all cooperate. We will need all of you. When we reach the island we will disembark as a group for the rescue. I will personally give the instructions.
Everyone kept quiet and silently obeyed the order.
When they reached the island, more surprises awaited them.... They had to deal with monkeys, birds and wild dogs...Some passengers died immediately from fright; others used weapons to defend themselves. The animals, frightened by the detonations, escaped. So they gradually made their way into the island until they reached the pirates' fortress. There they were able to enter easily. There were a few elderly pirates that they managed to overpower easily without bloodshed. They stealthily led them to where Marian was being held captive. They immediately took her out. They ran with her to get her out of the fortress.... on the way they meet the chief of the pirates. A strange wind begins to blow. Marian is paralyzed when she hears ...
-Marian, Marian forgive me
Marian turns her head. She recognizes that voice. It is Gustavo her forbidden love.
-I had to do it this way. Your parents did not give their consent for us to get married.
Everyone is stunned but, immediately, they react and applaud....
Había algo en el viento….La extraña sensación, como un cosquilleo, en el cuerpo de Marian lo advertía. Desde la ventana se insinuaba un cambio en el aire…repentinamente giró de dirección. Entra fuertemente por el gran ventanal desde donde Marian, sentada en su sofá de terciopelo, contemplaba las emergentes rosas del jardín de su abuela Pilar. Esta joven, audaz y curiosa, salió al paso del viento. Allí se topó con una sutil niebla de colores que le recordaban las orquídeas de su infancia. Al mismo tiempo cayó ensimismada por ese soplo fortuito del destino que, la hizo hablar consigo misma:
-Yo siempre quise ser yo misma. La vida que tengo es sumamente aburrida. El solo hecho de pertenecer a la realeza europea me exige seguir cánones muy rígidos. Eso no me sirve de nada. Mi madre está buscándome pretendientes para presentármelos en la próxima fiesta que dará mi padre, Luís, Conde de Monclova. De niña siempre me gustó la actuación. Mi abuela Eufrasia al verme como hacía mis representaciones en el espejo sugirió que estudiase piano. Eso era lo correcto para una niña de mi alcurnia. Y así fue. Ahora siempre amenizo las reuniones familiares y las fiestas más íntimas. Pero mi abuela Pilar….! Ay! esa siempre ha sido mi cómplice. Le contaré mi secreto para que me ayude a cumplirlo.
Transcurrieron dos semanas desde que tuvo esas sensaciones. Un día, tocando su piano, el aire se llena de misterio. La sensación expectante se hace presente en ese momento; como si algo fuese a ocurrir. El viento sopla nuevamente, su corazón comienza a latir fuertemente, siempre le fascinó lo desconocido. Decidió seguir su instinto…pero esta vez una voz susurrante aparece de la nada:
-Cumple tu sueño. Se actriz. Eso es lo que te gusta y lo que amas hacer.
Sin pensarlo Marian dejó su piano y fue a contarle su secreto a la abuela Pilar:
-Abuela, usted siempre me ha comprendido y apoyado…
-Sí, hijita. No des vueltas. Dime, ¿Qué está pasando por esa cabecita que tiene a tu corazón tan desconsolado?
-Quiero ser actriz. Usted tiene que apoyarme.
-Hija ¡por Dios! Eso va más allá de lo que yo pensaba. ¿Estás segura?
-Sí, abuelita.
-Entonces tenemos que hacer un plan. Déjame ver que podemos hacer sin que se sospeche nada. Tú sigue haciendo tus cosas habituales. En una semana conversaremos sobre el tema.
Mientras, los preparativos para la fiesta, donde Marian conocería a varios chicos casaderos, sigue su curso.
Al transcurrir el tiempo la abuela Pilar habla con Marian:
-Ya tengo el plan perfecto. Irás a un viaje en el buque Ilusión. Allí se filmará tu película. Yo convenceré a tus padres. Iré contigo para no levantar sospechas. Ahora vamos a realizar los preparativos.
Marian da un beso a su abuela y brinca de alegría.
Todo salió a la perfección las dos damas partieron en el buque a una insospechada travesía. Allí, Marian, conoció al director y a todos los demás integrantes del equipo. Claro, la abuela ya le había dicho al falso director todo su plan. A los dos días, de estar navegando, comenzó la filmación. Por supuesto Marian sería la protagonista. Ella llegó muy contenta con su abuela a la cubierta del barco. Allí, engalanada con lujosas joyas, comienza la actuación. Esto sucedió durante cuatro días consecutivos. Al quinto día se percibe un inusual soplo de aire.
-Otra vez…hay algo en el viento. Piensa Marian
En ese momento estaba tan absorta, en la actuación, que no observó nada diferente. La suave brisa fue en aumento, ráfagas de lluvia comenzaron a sucederse. La filmación se detuvo. De repente, a lo lejos, un extraño buque se divisa. Nada anormal todavía… Marian ya comienza a inquietarse aunque, no sabe por qué.
A las dos horas de estar navegando bajo la tempestad, el Buque Ilusión, es atacado por unos piratas. Estos raptan a Marian. Mientras, el osado director da la orden de filmar todo el evento. La abuela se desmaya….El capitán da la orden de atacar a los piratas para rescatar a Marian. Lamentablemente no lo consigue.
Marian sería llevada por el barco pirata a una isla que todavía no está registrada en la geografía del lugar. El capitán había escuchado de la llamada Isla Salvaje pero no daba crédito a ello. En esos momentos aciagos decide reunirse con la tripulación. Todos estuvieron de acuerdo en correr el riesgo para salvar a Marian. El buque Ilusión cambia de ruta para dirigirse a Isla Salvaje, donde dice la leyenda que allí están los tesoros de los piratas. Unos pasajeros protestan; los más aventureros aplauden la decisión.
Luego de la fuerte tormenta llegó la calma y con ella sucedieron los motines entre los pasajeros. Con tanto alboroto el capitán dialoga:
-Cualquier pasajero es importante para nosotros. Todos debemos cooperar. Vamos a necesitar de todos ustedes. Al llegar a la isla desembarcaremos por grupo para el rescate. Yo personalmente daré las instrucciones.
Todos callaron y acataron la orden en silencio.
Al llegar a la isla les esperaban más sorpresas….Había que lidiar entre monos, pájaros y perros salvajes…Unos pasajeros murieron inmediatamente del susto; otros usaron las armas para defenderse. Los animales, asustados por las detonaciones, escaparon. Fue así que se fueron adentrando poco a poco en la isla hasta llegar a la fortaleza de los piratas. Allí pudieron entrar fácilmente. Estaban unos pocos ancianos piratas que lograron dominar fácilmente sin derramar sangre. Ellos los llevaron sigilosamente donde tenían a Marian cautiva. Inmediatamente la sacaron. Corrieron con ella para sacarla de la fortaleza….en el trayecto se encuentran con el jefe de los piratas. Un extraño viento comienza a soplar. Marian se paraliza al escuchar …
-Marian, Marian perdóname
Marian gira su cabeza. Reconoce esa voz. Es Gustavo su amor prohibido.
-Tuve que hacerlo de esta manera. Tus padres no daban el consentimiento para que nos casáramos.
Todos perplejos quedan anonadados pero, inmediatamente, reaccionan y aplauden….
SOMETHING IN THE WIND by María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright © 2023
October 13, 2023
Translated with (free version)
Your story is very broad and narrated in a manner that allows for very little character development. Character development is one of the central tenets of good short fiction because if the reader “cares” about the character/characters they invest themselves in the story. It’s never a great idea to bring a new character that the reader knows nothing about at the end of a story.
Take timeout to read The Ink Well’s guides to fiction writing.
Gustavo went too far in his actions. Kidnapping Marian is such a manner doesn't depict true love. I think the grandmother understood her and was supportive. I love that.
A story with many exciting events in a crazy journey where anything can happen. I liked the way it was narrated and the ending was surprising and unexpected.
Regards @katleya 🤗
It is exciting to see she even got to act. It is sad parents can be this way to their children on things to do.
Greetings, it is true that Gustavo's love ended up leading him to create a whole adventure in order to reach Marian.
Interesting development.
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Honestly it is quite unexpected. The ending is quite unpredictable. I love it.
I never knew it was acting. I love that her grandma supported her dreams and I love the way you narrated it and make it smooth for reading. It is quite amazing.