Trying a couple of heavy hitters


As I was writing recently that I am more and more prefering the lighter beers which are less heavy and more back to lager, it doesn't necessarily mean that this is always the case.

Sometimes there are these random evening when it is all about the heavy beers and tasting bonanza on the different types of beers. Well, not that the intention is just having heavy beers, ofcourse it is about the hangout with friends naturally. But when all of these people are not too shabby about trying out different stuff, even though these are the bangers of the menu...

The Helios IPA. An easy ride and that tells. We bought the last ones of the batch so more people are enthusiastic about this one

Well ofcourse I am game for that!

Brewery het Veem

Location of all shenanigans was good old all time favorite hangout Brewery het Veem. Yes, this has something to do because of its convenient location, but also because the home brewn beers are decent and their snack menu also gives options.

Another cool setting is that in the building of the brewery you also have a food court where you also can get all kinds of snacks and even eat them inside the bar itself without getting a fuss about it. I call the decent customer service and a lot of places could learn from that.

If you can't serve the food people want, well maybe the neighbor can. Why not join together in making a nice night out

So after selling out the Helios beer from the first snap it was time to shift over to something else again. This Wet 'n Juicy beer had some fruity hints but also was a bit stronger already. A nice one to go throughout the evening actually.

And ofcourse...if you translate the little story from the back of the bottle about the beer, I guess with the name of Wet n Juicy you get the gist of what this little story is about. Something with desire and wanting more and more hahaha.

Royal Anna

Now I really don't like fruit beers at all but I am also always willing to give it a bit of a try, just to see what the flavour is. One of the friends ordered a Royal Anna which also has some portwine hints in there and some prune.

Now I understood why this was a good combination and it felt like a dark and strong taste, but I wasn't too fond of this at all. Just too fruity for me.

Can't like them all right?

On to the heavy hitters

I love the fact that all of these brewers are always so create with the names of the beers. Calling this beer Wet January as a bit of contrast for all the people who were doing the dry January challenge thingy. Yeah I love this.

This was a nice seasonal beer and I get it why it is more winter style in there because of the flavours.

But uhhhhh... A brutal 9,5% percentage in there. This was a bit of a silent killer I suppose. I should have known because of the triple....

Should have...

It is crazy to see that all of these beers were super different and still all coming from the same brewery. Yeah, we like hoppy beers indeed and indeed, there wasn't a single blonde on the table.

But brewery het Veem also has those and I must say they are doing a really good job on putting their large scala of different beers on the menu.

These guys are still one of the bigger players here in the city of Eindhoven and it seems totally valid!


Tripel ipa 🍺 with 9,5% seems to bring some fun.



Mannnn what a nut cracker. It was time to head home after that hahah


It is so great to see the proliferation of wildly different styles of beers. A tasty lager or ale used to be all that was readily available back in the day and now a visit to a brewery is like an adventure.

Carefully with those IPAs as they have the ability to take over your palate and preferences. Like it has joyously for me ;)


Yeah it feels like the amount of variety is endless and that is also where all of the IPA is not really IPA comes from. Hop aromas and all kinds of blending in stuff... I get it why the purists say that it isn't the purest anymore.

Regardless, the taste is awesome but wowww....hardhitters!


Cheers! 🍻
This last one is hazardous!


Ow mann...that last one was brutal, but actually in flavour super nice!


You've tried a great selection of beers!

If you go there on a weekday afternoon, you can even watch them brewing right in the taproom. Grab yourself a seat at the left end of the bar, you can look straight into the kettle.



I really need to get there more...that is one thing thats for sure!


You mentioned heavy beers and light beers in this post. Please how do I detect or differentiate light from heavy? Enlighten me please.

As for the beer, it's enticing.


Light is more in the way of less alcohol in there. The heavy hitters were gigantic in alcohol percentage, cant drink too much of those
