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Today has been a bad day and I would say I caused it all by myself. But is it my fault? How is it something I caused? I never did anything wrong but I think I took in excess and it is affecting me till now. What happened?

Two days ago, I was going through some posts on Noise.cash and I saw a user posted a particular food she saw online. Here is the food


Won't you have fallen for such meal? I and my friend saw this and we decided to contribute money the next day to prepare it just the way it is. The following day, we went to the market, bought everything and we prepared it. It was time to serve ourselves and I took a large portion of it. Here is it


I overfed myself. Prior to yesterday, I have been eating the stew I cooked with Groundnut oil and according to people, too much of the oil can cause someone to keep purging. I worsened the situation by eating Vegetables in excess. This morning, I woke up and kept visiting the toilet till I became weak and couldn't move.

I called my friend to help me get some drugs as I couldn't move an inch from my room or else, I would poo on my body. I took some Garri to suppress it but my stomach kept aching me. Since then, my taste bud went off. No food could stay as I would feel like vomiting.

Some said, it was due to the purging and that I am already weak. I tried eating something pepperish but I couldn't. Haven't I overstepped my boundary? 😢

I couldn't do anything but was lying on the bed all through. I have decided to throw away the remaining stew I made and go back to using Palm oil for my soup and stew.

I just need to sleep now, I already took some drugs while I manage to eat little meal. I hope to regain my strength back tomorrow as I don't like how I am today.


It sucks when we lose our taste.
