Beautiful Sunday: from bright sky to evening sunset.

After two weeks of rainy weather in the countryside, the sky decided to give us a nice break. The brighter morning did give me an extra dose of enthusiasm and liveliness. I seemed to have mote energy to get on with housework. My head was much lighter and more focus with the determination to enjoy the lovely day with blue sky. All my anxiety about future plans was set aside and forgotten for the day. The opportunity to live in the beautiful present was too precious to be spolied.

The sunshine was very warm for a change, so I persuaded my orange cats to spend some time in the garden with me. They would usually go to sleep after breakfast which meant that they had no morning exercise at all. They followed me into the garden and had a good time sunbathing. I walked around surveying mango trees and other trees which needed trimming. I made a mental note to ask my gardener’s nephew to help with trimming mango trees soon.

My gardener would be busy with her vegetable patches; she would usually plant some tomatoes, chili plants, coriander, green salads, long beans and spring onions. This would be the whole season supply of organic vegetables. Since I have been used to our own organic vegetables, I could taste the difference between organic vegetables and imported Chinese vegetables. So, I only go for organically grown vegetables.

The air around the river was very light and invigorating. I always missed the clean air in the countryside whenever I stayed in the city. If more people had the chance to experience the difference between air quality and atmospheric energy in the city and countryside, more people would try to change their lifestyles. I could feel much better physical health and more relaxing mind. The changing moods in surrounding nature reminded me of the nature of human beings. This reminded me of the uncertainty in all things so I shouldn’t waste my energy on trivial matters.

There were lots of unfinished tasks concerning the water system, some repair work waiting to be fixed and housework. So, I could never finished all the tasks as new ones popped up around the corner. Sometimes I just had to ignore the list of work and enjoyed myself for a change. I had a new list of maintenance work as the rainy season showed me where new drainage needed to be dug in the garden. But this work and repair work would have to wait for the availability of some workers.

I tried to make sure that I wouldn’t miss the sunset by the river. I would cycle along the dirt road towards the waterfront. When it rained heavily, the dirt road would become very muddy and slippery. Sometimes I couldn’t go cycling as it would be too risky. But most of the time, I would try to catch the sunset and enjoy some quiet moment by the river.

Most villagers liked to go cycling before the sunset as they didn’t feel like cycling back home in darkness. I had LED lights on my bicycle so I felt comfortable cycling after the sunset. They probably thought I was rather weird for cycling alone dark roads. Villagers were rather superstitious so they didn’t feel comfortable cycling alone in the dark night. Being alone by the river was quite special for me. The quiet and peaceful atmosphere made me very receptive to all the vibes and moods of the moment.

The sunset seemed to be communicating a special message to me. I could feel Mother Nature without any distractions, so it was as if I had a personal audience with Mother Nature. I talked to the sky, river and land spirits. Reality seemed to be transformed into another parallel universe with invisible beings and people from other universes dropping by for a brief moment. I felt anything was possible in that brief window of time and space.

Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

#beautifulsunday created by @ace108


Interesting way you connect the changing moods of nature to the nature of human beings. It's a reminder that we are all part of something larger.
I'm glad that you feel comfortable cycling after sunset, even though the villagers may think you're weird.


Yah. We are really connected to Nature and are parts of nature too. But most of the time we felt separated or far away from nature. People should hug a tree everyday to get closer to the feeling of being natural and relaxed.

Cycling after sunset could be a bit creepy when I had to pass the old path down to the river. I was told that path was the spirits’ path in the old days. 🥲


That could be a place for Halloween festival.


The 4th photo of the sky and clouds looks like someone painted the clouds. It’s really eye catching! It was a really beautiful day there!


Thanks so much. Glad you like blue sky and white clouds. I’m addicted to watching blue sky.


Such beautiful photos. Those clouds are so pretty. I have been seeing a similar look lately. Your trees look so lush and healthy. We gardeners love the rain but need the balance of these sunny times too. What a blissful peaceful sunset. No wonder you felt such enlightenment. Its important to savour such moments - to bring an equilibrium to our minds to better deal with more down to earth concerns later ;)


Thank you very much for your kind comment and understanding. There’s too much worldly concerns and problems these days!
