El cuento de los médicos y las velas - The story of the doctors and the candles

Hoy os voy a contar un pequeño cuento, quizá os ayude a reflexionar sobre alguna cosa.

Había una leyenda que contaba que en China estaban los mejores doctores del mundo. Un día un buen amigo mio se puso enfermo, y le dije, mira, vete a China, vete a la primera aldea que veas, y vas a busca un médico. Vas a poder distingir a los medicos porque ellos ponen en sus puertas una vela por cada paciente que se les ha muerto.

Mi amigo llega a la aldea, y empieza a ver una puerta con 300 velas, otra con 250, otra con 100, otra con 25, hasta que aparece una puerta en la que solo había 1 vela, y decide entrar en la puerta en la que solo había una vela.

Cuando entra, le dice al médico, que suerte haberle encontrado.
Y le pregunta el medico: porque?
Le responde, porque he encontrado al mejor médico del pueblo, solo se le ha muerto 1 paciente.
El médico responde: No, yo empecé ayer. Al mejor médico se le han muerto 300 pacientes, ha fallado 300 veces, y esos 300 errores que ha cometido con esos pacientes no los cometerá contigo.

La enseñanza que yo saco de este cuento, es que la experiencia en cualquier cosa es lo mas valioso. Equivócate, falla, comete errores ... eso hará que aprendas de ellos y no los vuelvas a cometer, aprendes mucho mas de cualquier error que de una cosa bien hecha.

Que tengais un muy buen día! 😘


Today I am going to tell you a little story, maybe it will help you to reflect on something.

There was a legend that told that in China were the best doctors in the world. One day a good friend of mine got sick, and I told him, look, go to China, go to the first village you see, and look for a doctor. You'll be able to tell the doctors apart because they put a candle on their door for every patient who has died.

My friend arrives at the village, and starts to see a door with 300 candles, another with 250, another with 100, another with 25, until a door appears in which there was only 1 candle, and he decides to enter the door in which there was only 1 candle.

When he enters, he says to the doctor, what luck to have found him.
And the doctor asks him: why?
He replies, because I have found the best doctor in town, only 1 patient has died.
The doctor answers: No, I started yesterday. The best doctor has had 300 patients die, he has failed 300 times, and those 300 mistakes he made with those patients he will not make with you.

The lesson I take from this story is that experience in anything is the most valuable thing. Make mistakes, fail, make mistakes ... that will make you learn from them and not make them again, you learn much more from any mistake than from a well done thing.

Have a great day! 😘

Original content - Image generated with IA
