The evolution of time and changes in traditions [EN-PT-BR]

Source: Pixabay

Nowadays, time passes very quickly, it seems that the same 24 hours are not the same as they were 20 to 25 years ago, I look at the way my parents taught me, it seems that we learned things more “slowly” without sudden changes, at that time you rarely saw anyone changing about religion, culture and customs, even a different haircut was something that was extremely judged, for example, technology has advanced too much, today we hardly see a child asking their parents something, Children often access the internet with a cell phone/tablet and answer their questions with AI or by searching the internet, things that in the past were largely passed on from generation to generation, which was something that strengthened family ties.

Taking advantage of the fact that we are talking about education, in the past children had to walk to school, which generally strengthened the bonds of values ​​and friendships between schoolmates, as it would generally take at least 10 to 15 minutes to walk to school. school at least, something that today, with remote learning, sometimes your child has never seen a friend from school in person.

When I was a child/adolescent, my friends and I interacted following the “traditional” way where it was strict discipline, basically we were very afraid of disrespecting any tradition/behaviour and that was kind of a good and bad thing at the same time. At the same time, good because we knew since childhood what was right/wrong, and bad because we couldn't give an opinion or go against any order, since we didn't have the dialogue/autonomy to do so.

It's a complex thing to say what it would be like if my son decides to change his lifestyle to the lifestyle I live, I don't have children yet, but I think the most important thing is dialogue, because without that there are no bonds of friendship and strong companionship, because in addition to being a father, I have to be a good listener and understand the problems and difficulties that a child will be facing throughout their life, but I believe that with a lot of dialogue and as long as this change does not harm them, I would always support the decisions that were better for your life, but as people, we have flaws so we also have to understand that what we think is best for our children is not always going to be really good, we have to let them live and achieve their dreams, I think The greatest reward for a father or mother is to see their child successful doing what they love, whether at work, in relationships, in study, among other areas, as this should give a feeling of duty accomplished, the rewarding feeling of seeing who we love happily, it's something unique and special, to this day I remember my father's emotion at my college graduation, in my family only I graduated from higher education, so for him it was a spectacle as he had never seen a graduation ceremony, I cried a lot, I couldn't help but get emotional at that moment.

So I think that's what life is, it's finding happiness, in the happiness of our family!

Thank you all very much for reading, if you like my content consider following my profile on HIVE and Twitter!




Source: Pixabay

Hoje em dia, o tempo passa muito rápido, parece que as mesmas 24 horas não são as mesmas que eram uns 20 a 25 anos atras, olho o modo que meus pais me ensinaram, parece que aprendíamos as coisas de forma mais “lenta” sem mudanças bruscas, naquela época raramente você via alguém mudando sobre religião, cultura e costumes, até mesmo um corte de cabelo diferente era algo que era extremamente julgado, por exemplo, a tecnologia avançou demais, hoje dificilmente vemos uma criança perguntando algo para os pais, muitas vezes a criança acessa a internet com um celular/tablet e tira suas duvidas com IA ou buscando na internet, coisas que no passado, muito era repassado de geração em geração os ensinamentos, o que era algo que fortalecia os laços familiares.

Aproveitando que estamos falando em educação, antigamente as crianças tinham que ir caminhando até o colégio, o que geralmente fazia fortalecer os laços de valores e amizades entre os colegas de colégio, visto que geralmente levaria pelo menos uns 10 a 15 minutos de caminhada até o colégio no mínimo, coisa que hoje, com ensino remoto, as vezes seu filho(a) nunca viu um amigo do colégio pessoalmente.

Na minha fase de criança/adolescente, eu e meus amigos, interagíamos seguindo o modo “tradicional” onde era uma disciplina rígida, basicamente a gente tinha muito medo/ receio de desrespeitar qualquer tradição/comportamento e isso era meio que algo bom e ruim ao mesmo tempo, bom porque a gente sabia desde criança o que era o certo/errado, ruim porque não poderíamos opinar ou contrariar qualquer ordem, visto que não tínhamos dialogo/autonomia para isso.

É algo complexo dizer como iria ser caso meu filho decidir mudar o estilo de vida ao estilo de vida que vivo, ainda não tenho filhos, mas penso que o mais importante é o diálogo, pois sem isso não existe laços de amizade e companheirismo forte, pois além de pai, tenho que ser um bom ouvinte e entender os problemas e dificuldades que um filho vai estar enfrentando ao longo da sua vida, mas acredito que com muito dialogo e desde que essa mudança não prejudique ele mesmo, sempre apoiaria as decisões que fossem melhor para sua vida, mas a gente como pessoas, temos falhas então também temos que entender que nem sempre o que achamos que é o melhor para nossos filhos, vai ser realmente bom, temos que deixar viver e conquistar os seus sonhos, acho que a maior recompensa para um pai ou uma mãe é ver seu filho bem sucedido fazendo o que ama, seja no trabalho, em relacionamentos, no estudo, entre outras áreas, pois isso deve dar uma sensação de dever cumprido, a sensação gratificante de ver quem amamos felizes, é algo único e especial, até hoje lembro da emoção do meu pai na minha formatura da faculdade, na minha família apenas eu me formei no ensino superior, então para ele foi um espetáculo pois ele nunca tinha visto uma cerimônia de formatura, chorou muito, não teve como eu não me emocionar naquele momento.

Então acho que a vida é isso, é encontrar a felicidade, na felicidade de quem é nossa família!

Muito obrigado a todos pela leitura, caso goste do meu conteúdo considere seguir meu perfil na HIVE e no Twitter!

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It is true that it takes time to understand things, but if we understand the words of our parents, then the children who do not understand the words of their parents and learn lessons from the words of the world, then in their lives Problems are many.


Yes, time and dialogue are essential


you are right about dialogue. Communication is the key to bridging any things and would be the only way you would understand why your child would deviate from the lifestyle you had him grow up in. It really is simple as finding happiness and happiness in the family ~ that is life


Thank you very much, dialogue is the essence of everything, without it there is no acceptance/evolution
