World of Warcraft — The War Within (no spoilers)

Early access of the new World of Warcraft expansion began a couple of days ago — a practice I don't particularly agree with but something I took advantage of, regardless — and eager to get into the game and separate myself from the hordes of players on launch day, I've been questing my little heart out.
We all know what launch day is going to be like. Crashing servers, lagging zones, travel points that won't actually allow you to travel. The usual.
I get to avoid all of that. For I will be in a different zone to everyone else! Muahahaha.

So, first of all, the levelling from 70 to the new height of 80 involves learning new hero talents!
I thought that I would choose the 'Slayer' hero as it seemed more focus on damage... but the more I spec into it, the more I realise it's pretty much a Bladestorm Build and, I don't know, I'm really not a fan of Bladestorm.

So I'm tempted to have a look at the other Hero tree, which would involve utilising a DPS version of Thunder Clap, now called Thunder Blast. Could be interesting! But either way, whatever gives me the most DPS is unfortunately the way I have to go.
Guess I'll see what the elitists say in a week or so.

During these early days before the masses flood the servers, I thought that I would get my professions going so I could make ALL THE GOLD once the gates open. xD
I used to be a Blacksmith. For years and years and years, ever since Lich King, my warrior was a blacksmith. But during Dragonflight I decided to just make her an epic gatherer and use her to make gold. So now I'm a Miner, Skinner, and of course a Fisher and a Cook.

Cooking seems a little weird this expansion, so far anyway. It seems unnecessarily convoluted.
So, for example, so far anyway: kill a bunch of beasts, get their meat, turn 5 of their meat into a filletable piece of food, cook. Transform several pieces of cooked food into a hearty meal that can persist through death. Voila.
I miss simply getting ingredients and mixing them together to make a food item. Now there's extra steps that just seem to be there for the hell of it.

One of the new things for this expansion are the Delves. Which so far seem pretty fun! During this early access we can only get up to tier 3 of each encounter, and all shall be unlocked once the expansion officially releases.
The Delves are like little scenarios that go up in difficulty based on the tier you enter, and you have your dwarven friend with you who you can make a DPS or Healer. I like mine to be a healer — his damage seems pretty useless, so far.

During the Delves you can find little things that give your dwarven friend XP and level him up, and at the end you get to dive into a treasure room filled with loots. Most of the loot is for your dwarf, funnily enough.
You might get one piece of gear, and the dwarf will get a bunch of new abilities to learn that you can choose to make him use.

Speaking of dwarves — most of the womenfolk have beards.
Beards to rival most men's beards!
I think there's a Lord of the Rings quote here.

So, at the moment I'm just plodding along doing the quests and working out what does and doesn't make gold.
Most of the things I'm gathering at the moment are only bronze quality, and I'm hoping to have a bunch of silver and gold quality materials at the ready to sell once the masses join us in a couple of days. Well, I probably wont have gold quality things, but at least silver!

Obviously I'm not going to talk about the story so far or anything, but as for my first impressions:
- The story seems interesting. I'm not the greatest fan of dwarves and this seems highly dwarf-centric. The antagonist is of far more interest to me. And how the antagonist interacts with established characters.
- Single-player dungeons are much appreciated! And the Delves seem like a nifty idea.
- It feels very much like Dragonflight; I'm glad they kept a lot of the changes that Dragonflight brought.
- Due to feeling a lot like Dragonflight however, it does feel a little 'samey.'
That's about it for now!
It officially launches in two more days and I'm super stoked for the first season to hit so my little group can throw ourselves into the dungeons and see what we can do.
For now though, I have two days of farming all the things I can so I have a huge supply of goods to sell on the auction house and make as much gold as possible. xD I would really like to breach a million gold for the first time ever.
A couple of million!
Millions of millions and I can buy stuff off the black market for a change! Without 'cheating' by selling WoW tokens, lawl.
Until next time! 😊🎮
ufff I love how this wow looks I literally can't see anything related to World of Warcraft because it makes me nostalgic to play it
It's definitely one of those games you can't help but be nostalgic about! :)
I haven't played WarCraft for a looong time
Been about a year for me, haha! Keep coming back!
I just finished up the campaign last night and it was decent in my opinion. Looking forward to see where the story goes in the future patches.
Oh dayum, you've been smashing it out! xD I've just gotten to the Weaver's area. Slightly backtracking to do the delves from the previous zone before I continue on.
My friend and I want to play this expansion, but the fact that it looks like Dragonflight makes me uneasy, I liked everything you posted.
Why does that make you uneasy? Dragonflight, for me anyway, was one of the best expansions! xD I loved so many of the changes it brought!