Some more Palia progression!
In my last Palia post I finally started actually decorating my house after so many days of being distracted by all the other things the game has to offer.
I forced myself away from the Hotpot tables and got to work making gold, buying plans, and farming all the resources... while only being marginally pulled off course by the occasional quest. 😅

In saying that though, there are still a lot of things I won't be able to put into my house for quite a while as they're attached to the profession guilds and I need to earn a lot more clout with those guilds to be able to afford them!
Example, in the screenshot above, is the gardening guild store and I would love that wishing well and gardener's growhouse, but alas, it's going to take me a fair bit of grinding to get them.
Grinding that won't happen for a while due to other gaming interests rearing their heads shortly! All in due time, I guess. 😅

Grinding I have accomplished though includes getting enough gold to buy a few coin piles from the black market! Muahaha! My vault shall soon be complete!

Here is my glorious vault now. If you took a squizz at my last Palia post you'd see the marked improvement from what it once looked like.
I've changed the flooring, backdrop wall, and added gemstones, soooo many gemstones. I mined for a couple of days to find all these gemstones and I still don't have star quality versions of every gemstone. I also picked up a quest that requires a ruby. Watch. The first ruby I find will be a star quality one and I'll debate for days about giving it up for the quest or throwing it in my vault.
I still need to find another dangly light, but that involves a gacha RNG mechanic and I might get it today, or I might get it a year from now.

As well as putting most of the finishing touches on my vault, I moved and arranged my kitchen into another room. This is much better than what I had before!
You might question why I have two ovens, two stoves, and double the benches... I ask the same thing, but alas, having two of everything is a requirement for some cooking recipes, and I think it's design is focused on cooking with a friend rather than cooking by yourself.

Speaking of Cooking! I finally got the profession to level 10. 😅 Now all of my skills are able to earn progression towards their respective guilds.
Cooking is a slog. At this point of time, as of getting cooking to level 10, all of my other skills are approaching level 20 or beyond.
Cooking involves a minigame where you chop and prepare all of the ingredients, manage stirring pots, mixing ingredients together, using the oven and grabbing the things out before they burn, and combining it all together to create a meal.
In description it sounds good!! In action it's tiring and I don't want to do it.

When I hit level 9 Cooking, Reth gave me a recipe to make a cake. This cake was purported to be a challenge to make, and people were talking in-game and on Reddit about it being a crazy recipe and people would often hop on Discord and create Cake Making Parties and they were hectic and would often fail.
So, naturally, I was scared to try and make this cake all by myself, and I'm anti-social and didn't want to bother working with others to just fail the recipe.
Today I just decided, "I have more than enough ingredients. Who cares if I fail? Let's see how I go solo!"
And it is hands down the easiest of all the recipes I have. I don't know why people have trouble with it. Cooking is a slog but I'll happily make this one recipe over and over and over and have my person live on cake for the rest of her Palian life.

Babbling about cooking aside, allow me to show you what I've done with my living area.
Not much has changed from the initial screenshot in the last post, but I've added bits and pieces here and there that I feel make the room a bit homier. Mostly plants. A lot of plants.

Next on my list is my dining room.
I found a dining table and chairs that I like the look of and set them down, and placed some settings on the table too. Now I just need to work out what else is going to go in this room.
Being an open room on all sides except one makes it a little more difficult and is the sole reason I moved and re-arranged my kitchen. I hope the devs add a building update at some point that allows you to make the entryways into normal doorways instead of these big gaping entrances.
That's all I've done of the house so far, but I'm still planning an office/library, and a plushie area, and a couple of nice outdoor areas with fountains and gardens and firepits and all sorts of things. All in time!

So, other than house design and levelling up my cooking at last... Quests! Money Making! Exploring! Relationships!
I've decided to ignore my inherent monogamy and try to embrace the fact that my character has two romance pin slots available. So I decided to allow my character to flirt with the local farmer's son as well as the humourous cook.
Even in a game this feels weird as hell for me, haha. And I'll probably break up with him because it's just... wrong. For me. Or just flirt and see where it goes, and maybe I can just keep it as a flirt thing instead of a relationship, refuse his pin, and just keep Reth as the relationship.
Me, over here, overthinking fictional characters in videogames. 🤷♀

More importantly, I'm working on a quest for Tish! Reth's sister. Who still hasn't commented on the fact that my character is wearing her brother's love pin.
Anyway, this is my goal at the moment. Working on this quest which requires rubies and all sorts of hard-to-acquire things to make an illegal magic healing potion which will hopefully cure the young lass so that the Cartel no longer has a hold on their family.
I can't see the end of Reth's personal quest until I complete this one, and presumably Zeki's last one.
Rubies are notoriously rare and I think I've only found one during my entire mining career, and I do a lotttttt of mining. XD So it'll be extremely lucky if I finish this quest in the next few days before Last Epoch takes my attention.
We'll see!
Until next time! 😊✨🍄