Raft ~ The Lone Survivor ~ part one
I find myself hopping in and out of games, unable to stick with one, as I am wont to do when I am impatiently waiting for another game to release/update/etc.
This time I am waiting for the Stardew Valley 1.6 update, and this time I'm trying to make myself stick to Raft for the next five days. An impossible feat? Time will tell!
Without further ado, allow me to begin in a story-telling manner, the unexpected life of Iselia.

Iselia didn't know where she was, when she was, or how she got here. Where was here? A plank of wood in the middle of a seemingly never-ending ocean. The ocean was filled with tonnes of floating garbage and a shark circled her. Wonderful. What a way to wake up.

Although confused, she was not one to fall into despair. Anyone else would've just thrown themselves over the edge of the plank and accept inevitable death by shark, but she was not anyone else. She was crafty. She was clever. She was good with a hammer.
She would expand this piece of wood with the garbage that surrounded her and survive. Hell, she would even kill that shark and feast on its innards. All in due time.

She methodically hauled in piece of garbage after garbage and sorted it into her backpack. The occasional barrel and crate would drift past and she would do all she could to haul them in closer so she could rummage through their contents.
An island appeared in the distance, but alas, she hadn't found enough heavy items to fashion an anchor. Looking longingly at the lush trees flourishing with mangoes that would go uneaten, the island vanished over the horizon.

The shark took its chance and leapt at the wood she sat upon. Luckily she had already constructed a spear out of the driftwood drifting past and stabbed the beast in the head a couple of times.
That'd learn it.

The sun began to set and soon night fell. Alone on the raft with no light and a shark circling her... it was not the most ideal of situations. She would need to work faster, work harder, and be better prepared. For what? She did not know.
Survival. That was all that mattered. And mangoes. Juicy mangoes.

When night completely fell, the shark took its chance again... only to suffer more stabs to the head. It was a persistent creature but it would not get the best of her.

Finally, she had enough rocks to make a makeshift anchor... yet, mere moments after placing it on the raft in preparation for hitting landfall once again, the shark tried to thwart her plans.
More head stabs were required.

At last, another chunk of land rose up in the distance and Iselia hurriedly paddled towards it. It took most of the night and into the morning, but finally she angled the raft nicely against the rock of the island and threw the makeshift anchor into the water.
She could finally get some mangoes, delicious mangoes.

Not only were there mangoes, but there were watermelons and coconuts too! A veritable feast.
After taking her fill of the delectable fruits, she shoved their seeds into storage. With any luck, she would be able to grow her own delectable fruits soon enough and wouldn't have to rely on random islands and pure luck.

There was a reef on the opposite side of the island. She looked left, then looked right. The shark seemed no where in sight. And so, she dove into the water as smoothly as possible and rummaged about the sand.

There was some scrap metal, sand, clay, seaweed, copper ore and some strange metal ore. There was so much stuff!
Just as she felt safe in the water and that the shark had no idea she was swimming in its domain, it snuck up behind her and nipped at her bottom. Shrieking, she flew back onto dry land.

As the sun set, Iselia stared over the ocean. When morning came, she would kill that shark and explore this otherwise-peaceful reef in... well, peace.
Until next time! 😊🦈⚔️
Glad Iselia manage her way out of the ocean alive. This is an interesting game.
Her adventure has only just begun! :)
It's a pretty good little game. Lots of exploration, crafting, and in some areas it turns into a puzzle as you work out the story. It ends up quite interesting. :D
i love this game - most relaxing gameplay ever, and out alone at sea, against nature- good thing it's just a game - irl would be terrible :D
Haha! I actually find this game quite stressful... I have a fear of the ocean, and even swimming in the water in a game is anxiety-inducing. Gonna ran out of air, gonna have a pufferfish explode, gonna have a shark sneak up behind me and bite my bottom! 😱🤣
relaxing on the boat - you're right; i never go in the water, if i absolutely must have to! lol
I have always loved watching the videos of this game and I would like to try it someday. That shark is a challenge. Playing it with friends must be an incredible adventure.
I've never played Raft with friends, but it would be really spiffy! Working together to create the most awesome raft ever.
yes, it would be a fun adventure