Last Epoch - Cycle Two - Monolith Progression
I am really enjoying my time in Last Epoch at the moment! Despite a couple of hiccups with the game's optimisation. It turns out that once the game has been on for a few hours... there is a memory leak! Which results in a few fps issues until the game has been restarted.
So nothing awful, just a bit irritating when I'm in the groove then have to restart the game.

As of writing this I've just finished the level 85 monolith and next on my list are the two level 90 monoliths. The thing is, I'm level 82 so feel like I should probably grind a bit before jumping into the level 90 stuff. xD

I found this cool sword that made me leap straight from a one-hand/off-hand user to a two-handed user. It changes one of my abilities, a fissure in the ground that releases spirits, into a fissure in the ground that releases fiery tentacles of doom that whip things.
It also increases all of my skills by 3points.

In the screenshot above you can see my skills and how they're all above level 20. Level 20 is technically the max level of the skills, unless you find gear that increases it.
My fissure is level 27. xD So, that's pretty good I think!

I ended up changing my loot filter a bit since I first made it, making it so now only purple rarity items with the affixes I want will stand out with my changes.
Since I've made it purple rarity, my filter hasn't popped once. 😅 So it's definitely been good for clearing up my loot-filled screen. Just wish some stuff will actually drop for me. I do have it set fairly strict though, so, eventually.
I'm half-geared in purple rarity at the moment, with my one unique weapon. So gear progression is going nicely!
As mentioned earlier in this post, I'm also level 82 and smashing content far above my level. I finished the level 85 boss when I was 79, soooo.... just grinding away so I feel like I'm closer to where I should be once I hop into the level 90 monoliths.

I've been investigating all the uniques that are available and working out what I would like to aim for. The thing is, just like in Path of Exile, you don't want to get too many uniques or you won't have enough stats/resistances.
At the moment I've gone way over my resistances. Indeed, my necrotic resistance benefits massively from being as over-capped as possible; it increases my damage. But I don't need to over-indulge in the other resistances, so I can move those around as I find more items and try to mix and match things so I retain necessary stats.
There are a couple of rings that would be beneficial due to their damage over time effects and fiery goodnesses, since my fiery whip-fissure is one of my main abilities. There is a belt that allows me to ignite myself in return for becoming a frenzying firebug. But that's also scary, haha. I'll aim for it and see how it goes, but I'll probably shelf it. There are some gloves that'll allow me to leech health from all my necrotic and fire damage.
I think those are the main things... there doesn't seem to be that many for the build I'm making, which is fine! It means I don't have to think too hard about what stats/resistances to play around with in order to make room for these pieces. 😁

So, my main goal at the moment is to grind away in my current monolith until I hit around level 86, then hop over to the level 90 monoliths.
There are two of those... and apparently that's when I'll meet my first harbinger, big bad of this cycle, and can finally join the new faction that's been introduced.
To be honest, it's not as much as a slog as I felt it was last time I played! Could be because I'm enjoying myself a bit more now? That's always good. So far my experience of this is definitely better this time around than it was last time.
If you tried Last Epoch when it launched and felt it was a bit meh, I recommend giving it another go now. There are definite improvements!!
Until next time! 😊🎮🐲