Hardcore Minecraft 😱 ~ part five
In my last post I finally began the hunt for quartz so I could get started on my ~vault~. With my vault at the ready to receive all manner of farmed materials for storage, I will be able to start building up my little region and not have to keep throwing stuff away, or stored 3000km away, or in chests placed haphazardly all over the place.
So I spent a few hours mining quartz, and I'm pleased to announce that I did NOT fall to my fiery doom and death whilst mindlessly digging! Like I have so many times before. xD
While I was in the Nether there were a few piles of easily-accessible glowstone I could grab too! I'd prefer to grab this stuff with a silkstone pickaxe, which I don't have yet, but I grabbed the glowstone dust anyway.
Can use it for potions as well as glowstone lamps. Win/win!
Whilst mining away, looking for all the quartz I could handle... I found my first ever ancient debris!
To be fair, I haven't really played Minecraft heaps since Netherite was introduced. But I found some! This stuff is exceptionally rare and smelts down into two netherite scraps. You require 4 scraps and 4 gold ingots to combine them into a netherite ingot, and then you obviously require several ingots in order to craft any armour and things.
It's a grind. I do love a good grind in my games though.
On my way back to my portal, as I had run out of torches and food was running low, I decided to go out of my way a little to find a piglin with which to trade some golden ingots with.
I threw 22 ingots at this guy, but the best thing he gave me was some more quartz and some ender pearls.
After I traded all my gold away, I realised I was lost.
Hopelessly lost.
There was a trail of torches I had left behind, as I always do... but the one that was meant to guide me back to my tunnels was missing. I could see where I had made a platform to mine some glowstone. I could see some stairs I had made. But my torch trail was gone.
A ghast started firing balls of fire at my face. I didn't have any food left to heal myself if I got hit so I ran and hid behind a tree and gathered my bearings.
A nether warthog snuck up behind me... released a single grunt...
...and shoved me into a giant pool of lava. Bugger. xD
This adventure did not last as long as I had hoped it would. And once again I found my death in the fiery grasp of the Nether.
At least this time I got violently pushed into the lava rather than stupidly falling because I wasn't paying attention. 😂
I hope you enjoyed this little adventure, despite it's unfortunate end. I'll probably do another one in a few months or so! xD You just can't keep me away from Hardcore Mode Minecraft. Maybe next time I'll avoid the Nether for a bit longer.
Until next time!! 😊
Can pigmen be given gold? 😨🤯
Only the ones wearing gold armour! 😁 You can hand them gold ingots and they'll throw all sorts of stuff back at you... ancient debris included, though very rarely.
The Nether is always dangerous! :D
It is! I really should learn by now not to go there until absolutely ready, especially in hardcore. XD