Things to be put in place to ensure peaceful living in the neighbourhood.


As a person that has lived with neighbours that are both and good and bad. I will say it's better to live in a neighbourhood free of chaos and fights ,as you can rub off mind's and come together to ensure healthy living.

There are certain things to be put in place to ensure peaceful living in the neighbourhood and that's what we call the dos and dont's.

I will start by talking about the dos , which are the things that should be done to foster peace and unity in the neighbourhood

The Dos


It's not going to hurt if you atleast say hi or hello anytime you walk past people in your neighbourhood. You might be in a hurry to go somewhere or attend a function but atleast saying "Weldone sir or ma" is okay. Walking past elderly people and not greeting is a sign of disrespect and should be stopped. When you don't greet they will see you in a different way and might always behave differently towards you and not talk about you in a good manner and the might also not want to associate with you.


Always try to communicate openly with your neighbours and not try to hold grudges. We are human beings and might at times offend each other,so when they offend you or do something you don't like ,learn to always call them in order and tell them what they really did hurt you or wasn't right ,they would apologise and say sorry and everyone we live happily after.

Ensure proper cleanliness : I am someone who finds it hard to live in a dirty and unclean environment. We share the same staircase with our neighbour, and she will just feign ignorance and be passing there with her children without even trying to sweep it or ensure it's clean which I find very annoying. Most times it's I and my mum who always make sure it's clean by sweeping and mopping. I don't care if inside your house is dirty cause obviously that's own your space,but always make sure the surroundings is clean and tidy to ensure proper hygiene. Don't say because you were not the one that threw the nylon,or piece of the paper on the floor, just pick it or sweep it , that won't remove anything or take away anything from you.


Learn to always work together with your neighbours. Never say they are not up to your standards or richer than you and you will allow that to stop you from working with them and cooperating with them. If there is anything that needs to be fixed in the house and there is a meeting. You should come together with them,and if there is a need for any money to be paid, cooperate with them and pay it and don't say you were not the one who caused the damage to that item or thing.

As we have the dos ,we also have the don't so let's talk about the dont's to ensure peaceful living in the neighbourhood.

The dont's

. Don't disturb your neighbours and respect their privacy. Some people are used to habit of not knocking before entering into people's houses. This is not a nice behaviour, you can't say ,your neighbours might be naked and not in the right position to be seen and you will just enter into their house unappropriately. You can even go as far as calling them and asking for their permission before deciding to go to their house . Even if they tell you they are not around or not at home and you notice their around ,don't go to their house they might have a reason for doing so.

Another common thing that happens mostly in Nigeria, is the habit of organising parties and disturbing the neighbourhood with the loud speakers. This is actually a big no for me,you are literally causing noise pollution and inconveniencing others who might want to rest at that time. if you want to host a party why not just use a hall or even a field that has few houses near it.

. Don't get too jealous of your neighbours . I know it's normal to have the feeling of jealousy when you see people doing more than you in life. You might be using a bike and your neighbour has a big car like a benz or they might just generally be richer than you. But don't let this get to you too much that you will feel oppressed and get very jealous. Jealousy often times lead to envy and hatred and that wouldn't foster peace and unity.

. Avoid gossiping about your neighbours. Gossiping is actually very bad,don't say oh "Mr.bolaji always abuses is wife or never treats his wife right", it's not your business and therefore you shouldn't put yourself in it or find a way to bring it up when talking with other people in the neighbourhood. Always mind the business that pays you and do the things expected of you and sometimes just feign ignorance and do as if you don't even know what has happened or is happening.

Thanks for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Respect is reciprocal, respecting each other as neighbors is very paramount for a peaceful coexistence. communication can also go a long way in resolving disputes among selves.
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