The Last Dance


This image is mine.

Lying on my king-sized bed, my mind wandered to another world- A realm beyond the physical. A place void of pain and sorrow. Staring up at my white-painted ceiling, my mind drifted to another dimension as I remembered the good old days. The days when I felt alive and life was filled with joy, hope, and love. There's a part of me that yearns for the past, for a time when the world was brighter, sweeter and easier. A time that has now faded into memory. A part of me yearns for the good old days- a time when my smile was wide and big. A part of me yearns for a feeling that has become desolate. A feeling that has become lost in dimension. And though other parts of me continue, this strong part yearning for the good old days never truly subsides.

I miss skating. I miss the good old days when skating brought a rush of adrenaline down my veins. I miss the sensation of skating. The freedom that comes with the rush of air. I miss it all. Back in the good old days, skating was more than just a hobby. Not only was it one of my favorite hobbies, it was a form of escape from the harsh reality of the world. The smile on your face as you put on the wheeled shoes, the rush of air against your hair, the pure feeling of exhilaration- these are the things I miss the most.

It's been four years since I last wore those wheeled shoes. It's been four solid years since I last enjoyed the freedom that comes with gliding on wheels- skating shoes. The past four years have become a little more pale- gray mixed with white. The joy skating once brought me is somewhere caged in my mind, fighting and struggling to be let out. Four years and counting, that feeling is still fighting hard.


I still remember the words of the woman who birthed me. “Don’t skate beyond this compound.” “You know how dangerous this thing is. Don’t take it outside. The road is not so good.” She’d always say. The funny thing is no one actually taught me how to skate. I didn't have a skating instructor. However, I had a pair of skating shoes which I received as a birthday gift from one of my favorite uncles. I started practicing in the compound, and before I knew it, I became an expert. It made me realize that if you have the resources, you don’t have to wait for someone to teach you. It works like magic. All you need is determination, dedication and consistency.

I wanted more. I got tired of skating in my compound. Despite my mum’s warning, something inside me wanted to explore beyond the confines of my compound. Heaven knows I tried my best to fend off the voice in my head telling me to disobey my mother’s warnings. Soon enough, I got tired of fighting the voice and decided to give in. I remember the details like it happened yesterday. It was a Saturday morning and my parents weren't around. I was alone with my siblings. My siblings were so focused on their phones that they didn't care where I was or what I was doing. Just as I expected, the little voice in my head came in a rush telling me to take the skating shoes outside the compound. This time, I obeyed it without hesitation. I peeked outside and seeing that my parents were not in sight, I took the skating shoes out and started gliding. It was one of my best days ever. After about 1 hour, I got tired and took the skating shoes back inside like nothing ever happened.

Soon, it became a tradition to skate outside my compound- on the streets every Saturday while my parents were away. Yes, I know I was going against my parents' warnings. But, on the brighter side, I learnt new and amazing skills- I learnt how to reverse, drift and do some other cool skills. You know the famous saying that goes “everyday is for the thief and one day is for the owner.” Well, I hate to break it to you, but sometimes, every day is for the thief. In this context, I was the thief while the mum was the owner. I never got caught. I got away with it every Saturday. I don’t want to give off the impression that I was proud of going against my mum’s warning. I was a young lad and I wanted to explore.

Four years ago, I left my parent's shed for the first time. I got admission into a program called JUPEB, but it was in a state far from my parents. I took my skating shoes along with me. I stayed in an area where students lived, and we would often gather on Saturdays to show off our skating skills. It was so nice. I belonged there. My life was going well until something terrible happened on a Saturday. Our head captain suggested an intense training where we would hold onto bikes while skating. The road was wide and smooth

We were all experts so no one expected that anything would go wrong. We all felt confident. The bike which I held on to started going too fast. I yelled for him to stop, but he didn't listen. I lost my grip and fell down hard. I broke my left leg and ended up with some scratches on my arms. That was the last dance. The last lap. That was the last time I ever skated. It was a tough and rough day to say goodbye to something I loved.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oops! 😬 I knew that was where you were going with all of these I was caught by my mom 🤦.

It must have been a thing of Joy and fulfillment not ever getting caught but you were just not lucky because if only you were caught I think you might still be skating now since you wouldn't have wanted to go so far with it. Well, after saying that I felt you would say I'm wrong because all you wanted was to explore so you would have continued anyways, hmm maybe that too, hehe.

So how are your legs now? I'm sure it has healed since you were still a young lad when it happened. Sorry about that but somehow I'm glad you stopped 🙂.

It was a pleasure reading through this Fave 🥰


Hey there, baby.
Yes, the injuries healed a long time ago. See me here thinking you’d ask me to teach you how to skate. Would you like me to?


I'm glad to know that 🥰.

Well I do like skating but not for me, I enjoy watching people skate


Well, I’m getting to know you more. I'm sure there are things we both like.


Don't look for things we both like, just make me like the things that you like and I'd do the same. I think that's when you can get to see the things that we both like


Teacher, you have a king-sized bed???? Wow, I am moving in with you soon, don't tell Merit, I don't want to be burned, lol.

I am sorry about your experience. I hope one day you will step out of your fears for the second time and skate again.

Wait a sec, what did your mom say when you had the accident?


Hello there, Sabrinah. Sure, I won’t tell @merit.ahama. I got you, Ghost.

Even though I’ve had a not-so-great experience with skating, I have this strong feeling that I’ll bounce back and get back into it soon.

Oh! Yeah! I forgot to mention that. I lied to my mom about it (don’t come for my head.)


I guess, the one on the bike took it personally to "intensify" your training.
I suppose you are fully healed now.

It's been ages since I last skated. I don't if I still know how to.


Hello there, friend. He was just being reckless. Yes, I'm all good now.
You know, you should get back to it someday.
Thanks for stopping by.


Naah... I'm too old for that sort hehe.. but I think I will buy a couple of pairs for my sons soon. :D... we don't have a rink in our place though...


Well then, that means it wasn't your fault but that of the person riding the bike. Like how malicious could he have been?
Sorry about that and I hope you can skate again. The exhilaration that comes with it shouldn't be missed forever because of that singular incident.

I've always wanted to learn figure skating though. The ladies I see doing it are downright gorgeous at it.


Hey there, Jhymi. I hope this message meets you well.
Come to think of it, it wasn't my fault at all. The bike guy was just too reckless.

Yeah. I know lots of female skaters, and they are really good at it.

Thanks for stopping by, Cat.
