Providing The Basics: Vision For Generational Wealth

Have you ever imagined what your life would be like if Elon Musk or any other wealthy person were your father? I have. Imagine walking into a store and you buy anything (anything at all) without thinking of the price. Super cool, right?

Growing up, I would imagine the cool and big things I could get if people like Bill Gates and Elon Musk were my parents. Of course, I would buy the biggest phones and the nicest sneakers. Let's use a football game as a case study. If you were born into a poor country, life is already winning 1-0. If you were born into a poor home, that's 2-0 and finally, if you are waiting for a certain "helper" to take you out of your hell hole, then that is 20-0.

The truth is that it would be nice to be born into a good country and a wealthy home. That means you would not have to work tirelessly to afford your basic needs. Growing up, I used to think rich people lacked nothing and were the happiest people on earth. They were lucky enough to be born into a favorable circumstance that gave them an almighty push. I used to think rich people had no worries. I mean, what’s there to worry about when you have billions sleeping in your account? That's how I saw life, or at least, that's how my tiny brain could process it. As I grew older, I realized that no matter how rich you are, life will find a way to get to you. Do not think these rich people are problem-free. Most of them are going through shege (as @nhaji01 mentioned in her post.)

I didn't grow up in a poor family. No, I grew up in a family where we could afford three square meals daily. I wouldn’t say we were very rich, but at least my parents could afford our basic needs and satisfy our wants to some extent. From the moment we stepped into this world, they have been caring for us, showering my siblings and I with love, care, and support. I attended a standard elementary and secondary school. I took my external exams in a good and conducive school, and currently, I'm schooling in a good university. I'm grateful to my parents for everything they have done for me since I was young.

Some of my friends come from poor backgrounds. Sometimes, they tell me their childhood stories; stories of skipping breakfast and lunch, sometimes eating just just once a day. Long ago, one of my friends shared her childhood stories with me. Sadly, life had eyes on her as soon as she stepped into this world. To make matters worse, she grew up without a father. Her mum was all she had. They struggled to eat one meal a day. She also shared how her older sibling and mum survived on biscuits and coke for a whole week. Apparently, biscuits and coke was the last thing they had. These stories make me sit and wonder what my life would be like if I had been born into a poor background. My parents did everything in their power to make sure we didn't lack anything while growing up. It is just right that I reciprocate this concept to my future generations. My parents made my childhood easy, it would be just right to make life as easy for my kids, eliminating all obstacles from their way.

The concept of generational wealth resonates with me. Yes, I want to get wealthy to the extent that my future kids would lack nothing essential. I understand that we all have our preferences and opinions, so I respect other perspectives. However, this doesn't mean that I would provide absolutely everything for them. No, that would spoil them. Instead, I aim to provide the important things for them when they are young and make sure they do not lack anything; quality education and a good home. As they grow older, I will sponsor them to learn skills. In today’s world, technology is taking over every aspect. I will encourage and sponsor them to learn at least one digital skill. I will teach them to fish so they won’t rely on me for everything.

All images in this post are mine.

Thanks for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Reading through this a lot of things were just strolling in and out of my head. Indeed being privileged to come from a home where everything is provided for you is something that a lot of persons would like especially for their children.

Too bad life doesn’t work that way, life always knows how to balance things up. Everyone can’t get the good life but does not mean we can’t strive to get it. As parents, it is our responsibilities to our children to give them the best things of life as much as possible.

As a matter of fact, it is a sin as a parent to have a child you can’t cater for because there are so many dangers you will end up exposing that child to just because you can’t provide for them adequately.

I have seen parents that are well to do but their children still end up being vulnerable to some circumstances and for the few I’ve discovered, it is mostly because the parent doesn’t want the child to be too dependent but somehow it only made things worse.

As a parent you should be happy you can provide as much as you can for your child, but then, the responsibility now lies in teaching them how to handle the things they have and can get. And I think the best thing is teaching them how to share with those who don’t have.

I’m talking too much, let me go and put this energy into my post 😂


Hey Hopey,

Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I completely agree that having children without the necessary resources to support them isn't ideal. While I wouldn't call it a sin, it's certainly a situation to avoid. Unfortunately, many people have children under unfavorable circumstances, putting their kids through unnecessary struggles.

I also believe it's essential to teach children that they can't always get what they want. Life isn't always easy, and it's crucial to prepare them for its challenges.

Thank you, PA.


See rich kid talking.😂😂

At the end of the day, everyone will receive his fair share of sheege, weather rich or poor.


I live your take on this topic, it’s true that having a strong foundation makes a significant difference, but just like you said life has its own way of challenging everyone,regardless of wealth.

Yeah,focusing on teaching them how to "fish" instead of relying solely on what you can give them is very important. Great write-up I must say.


I'm glad you agree with me. Just because you are rich does not mean you give your kids literally all they request. Teach them how to fish. Thanks for stopping by.


You were eating three square meals bro your childhood was actually full of enjoyment oo. Everyone wished to be given birth to by rich parents but then if it was like that what will happen to the poor people,won't they give birth to ni?? I have had several experiences with rich kids , and I can tell you for sure that providing almost what your kid wants is not healthy or safe for them. Most times when I am in school , I will just see boys spending lavishly on diffverent girls and wasting money on unnecessary things and all it takes is just one call their parents will fund them again. They live a very nonsense lifestyle and when you check it they are most times the ones that are always expelled or sent away from school on suspension because they have been spoilt beyond limits.


That is something about kids who grew up with wealthy parents; they tend to spend lavishly. Very sad.


To be sincere, is not their fault too there is too much money on ground🤣🤣
