Communities: Hive’s Hidden Gems

Community building is an important part of blockchain as well as web2 platforms. Building a community is no easy feat. It requires consistency, dedication, and a whole lot of other resources. When it comes to community building, teamwork is important. All hands have to be on deck. The creator/founder and moderators alone cannot make things work. “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is sucess.”— Henry Ford. The most important “ingredient” in building a community is the audience. They make the community grow in terms of active participation, promotion of the community to the outside world, and to some extent, contributing to decision-making.

On Hive blockchain, there are so many communities to suit every individual’s taste. Are you a tech person who wants to share tech experiences? Look no further than Digital lifestyle. Are you a Biblophile? Join the Hive book club. Are you a lover of pets and want to share your adorable moments with them? Join Hive. Are you a traveler? There are so many communities for you to explore on Hive blockchain. It is important for every Hiver to be an active member of at least a community. Not only will this help the community and the blockchain at large, grow, there are also many perks attached to being an active member of a community. I joined Hive blockchain two years ago and I've been an active member of many communities. My exploration has led me to discover many communities. In this post, I’ll discuss the community where I’m most active on Hive.

I remember when I first joined Hive blockchain. My memory of that day is as intact as a freshly brewed wine. Naturally, as a biblophile, I searched for communities where I could share book reviews and also read others’. I discorved Hive Book Club community, and I was naturally drawn to it. Hive Book Club was one of the first communities I joined on Hive. I was also an active member of Freewriters, Inkwell and writing club. At that time, I wasn't so busy and enjoyed writing short stories. But now, I don’t do it as often. I was entirely focused on writing short stories, but I wanted to explore other areas. I thought I could always come back to writing short stories if I left for other fields. Little did I know I was about to get trapped in another world.

I took a break from writing short stories and dived into creative content writing. Thanks to my onboarder, I discovered Hive Learners community. I have been an active member of Hive learners community for about two years. It is really nice to see the community grow. When it comes to my activeness on Hive blockchain, the community where I am most active is the the Hive Learners.

One notable aspect about the Hive learners community is its organization. Everyone has a role to play and no one is left behind. Like most communities on Hive blockchain, Hive Learners hosts weekly prompts where members can write on one or all of them. What makes this community stand out is the fact that they host four different prompts a week and members are free to participate in all. I remember when I joined the community newly, I struggled to write the prompts, but as time went on, the community grew on me, and I had no problem writing about the topics became effortless.

The weekly prompts begin on Monday. There's a one day interval which gives time for members to reflect, write and not miss out on any of the topics. So, the first prompt is on Monday, the second, the thirds on Wednesday, the fourth is on Friday and finally, the fourth on Sunday. Initially, there were only three prompts. Then, the community introduced Creative Sunday. As the name implies, members would share their creativity on Sundays. I used to actively take part in Creative Sundays, sharing my “half-fledged” artistry and culinary skills, but I stopped when I resumed school due to my busy schedule. Nevertheless, I try as much as I can to participate in the three other prompts.

Another thing I love about the Hive Learners community is that they don’t leave their members behind. Members also play an active part in decision making. Saturdays are for hangouts in the Hive Learners community. Members come together to have fun and also vote for the weekly topics. Yes, it is the members who vote for the prompts. They also suggest topics. I'm an active member of the Hive Learners community and it is really great to see the community grow every day.

This is my entry to the Inleo monthly prompt. The topic is; are you an active part of a communit?

Images in this post designed with MetaAi.

Thanks for reading

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


For real, the best way to strive well on hive is growing with a community, that works like magic. I’m happy you realized this earlier and today you get to talk about it.

The hivelearners community is also my favorite in so many aspects and I’m so happy to see us grow day in and out. I can fully attest to all you’ve said about the community because I’ve been there for over 3 years now and it has only gotten better.


I'm glad you agree with me, Hopey. I'm also glad that the Hive Learners community is one of your favorites. 3 years? Whoa! You are an OG. OGstylist.

Ps: where is the “uncle justfavour” here?


Sorry uncle Justfavour, I was daring to call you my baby before, don’t mind me 😭.

Eii, OG ke? Me I’m still a baby in the faith 😂


Please oo. Don’t let my babe see this.

Which one is baby in the faith?😂
Where did I see you from?😂
