A Wedding To Behold


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Even though I may be young, I have a little understanding of what marriage entails. I know that marriage is a complex subject that not so many people understand. Before today, I don't think I have ever sat down to think deeply about how my marriage would be. Well, maybe I have during my childhood days. I remember how we used to sit down together to talk about these things- the number of cows we would kill, the number of guests that'd be present, and how the atmosphere of reception would be filled with joy and happiness. I didn't realize how complex a marriage could be. One thing that I was always worried about was how I would lift my wife during the reception. I know it sounds funny, but imagine this scenario: after working out every morning for more than 8 months. Putting in extra effort to lift weights, stretch, and do jumping jax, only to realize that you are unable to lift your wife on your wedding day. It can be quite embarrassing, right?

As I grew older, I realized that marriage goes beyond the confines of muscles and not being able to lift your wife on your wedding day. I have a pretty cool way of imagining things, so envisioning my wedding day wouldn't be a bad idea. First off, I wouldn’t want my wedding to be on a Saturday. I don’t know if it is a rule to have weddings on Saturday. I would really not want to “obey” that rule. I want my day to be special and I don’t think anything is wrong in not wanting your wedding to be on a Saturday. It’s my special day and I think it is only right for me to choose anything that suits me. I would want my wedding to be on a Sunday or Friday morning. If I had the power to control the weather, I would want it to be on a sunny day- the sun smiling gently, yet brightly on everything around me. The air, was filled with the scent of sweet flowers and cake- strawberries and chocolates.


As a naturally introverted, yet selectively extroverted person, I wouldn’t want my wedding to be open to everyone. I wouldn’t want a big crowd. I don’t think big weddings are overrated. They are actually pretty nice. It all narrows down to individual tastes and preferences. I wouldn’t want a parlor wedding either. Do you know the type of weddings that are done indoors where the families and a few friends attend? That's definitely not my thing. I think having my wedding in a small, yet portable and beautifully decorated hall wouldn’t be a bad idea. Of course, the main focus of weddings is the wife and husband. On my wedding day, extra focus would be on me and my wife.

Our dressing must stand out. If you’re prepared to “oudress” me or my wife on my wedding day, just know that I will burst your bubbles by locking you outside the hall. On my wedding day, I would dress in something cool, nice, flashy, and yet comfortable. A tuxedo or a suit that makes me feel confident. Okay, here’s a little confession: I don’t know the difference between a tuxedo and a suit. I watched a video some time ago on how to differentiate a suit from a tuxedo, but I don’t remember the content anmore. But, a tuxedo sounds way better and cooler. So, even though I don’t know the difference, I would want to go with a tuxedo. On my waddling day, I would want my shoes to be shining. Straight out of the factory. Perfectly handcrafted. I don’t like barbing my hair. I find it stressful to go to the barber’s shop and sit on his chair while he does his job. Well, I guess I would have to make sacrifices for that special day.

I would want my wife to look extremely pretty. Like, a mixture of an angel and a cute female anime character. Her wedding gown would be white (definitely), spotless, shining, and flawless. I don’t know what they call that stuff that trails behind the bride as she walks down the aisle. Yes! I would want one of those on my wife’s wedding gown. Her heels would match her gown. And yes! She must be the most gorgeous person in the hall.

I’m not a very good dancer. I’ve always dreaded the idea of dancing on my wedding day. Now that I think about it, I have actually had lots of imagination about how my wedding day would be. I guess I would have to do lots of practice before the D-day. I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself. I imagine myself dancing to slow music with my wife. You know all those kinds of cute dances you see in movies, yeah! Doing something crazy wouldn’t be a bad idea. I mean, something memorable. I haven’t thought of that yet, but it’s going to be part of the plan. Oh! Yes! The cake! I almost forgot. I love cakes. I wouldn’t want my wedding cake to be too big. I would want it to be something that defines me and my wife. Like, a mixture of chess and anything my wife likes. My wife and I would be the first people to eat out of our wedding cake. That’s the normal procedure, right?

One of my big prayers is for my parents to be present on my wedding day. A wedding day with my mom and dad present would surely be a blast and a big blessing. I’m sure that day would put big smiles on their faces. I would want my parents to do something like a dance-off battle in the middle of the hall. It would be a pleasing sight to behold. Of course, my siblings would also be present. Taking a family picture with them on my wedding day would be an amazing thing to do.

Thanks for reading.


The perfect wedding indeed.
There's no rule that says all weddings must be on Saturday. You can always have it on any day you want.
I also think that big weddings demand a lot of work.


Hey, my love. I’m glad you agree with me. Tell me, Stella. Would you want to have your wedding on a Saturday?


I can't really tell. 🤭
I don't know how it's going to turn out.
But I don't mind having it on a weekday.


Lols see this boy is dreaming big o.

Introvert in the cloth of an extrovert.

You've got Valid point, since it's a singular day occasion, one should stand out and look amazing.


Haha. There's no crime in dreaming big, sir.


Hehehe you really have interesting ideas bro
Dancing is also not my thing but I guess the practice would help
Thanks for sharing


Lol. Same here oo. Dancing is not my thing.


Seriously, keep dreaming big, you can achieve it if there is no spoiler or obstacles.
