Never stop trying ; A Business consciousness
When I say never stop trying what I mean is that if you want to win big in 2024 as a business owner, you must have two types of knowledge:
- Product knowledge, and
- Product use knowledge.
A car is made for movement; that's product knowledge. However, knowing that a car can be used to woo a lady is product use knowledge. Understanding that driving a PI-U2V can garner respect from others is product use knowledge. Recognizing that driving a specific car to meet a particular client can influence the client to award the contract to you is product use knowledge.
90% of the time, what you sell is the PU knowledge, not the PK. Many people have product knowledge without product use knowledge. As a result, when confronted with a unique problem, they struggle to connect their product to the problem as a solution. This alone prevents them from effectively selling their offerings without objections.
Your assignment: What is the product use knowledge of your service/product? So try to think deep about this information I have shared. Trying is better than doing nothing. In the course of trying, even if you mess up, you learn something. If there's no learning, there will be no winning.
Winners keep trying, even when it's hard, and like Edison, they see mistakes as lessons, not failures. Success doesn't happen on the first try. It's like climbing a mountain: one step after another, until you reach the top. In summary; Try, Learn from mistakes, Keep trying and who knows eventually you will win
Wining is not a luck if you must know. Wining is a Conscious decision and whoever is willing to put all of their determination to winning by taking the right steps and being very Conscious will make it big. So stop thinking you will get some kind of luck but rather, work for the expectations to manifest. Good luck.