Importance of Time in your life


Important of Time



Time is one of those blessings which is not considered as a blessing by many of us around the world.

A time that's gone never comes back so make sure not to waste your time and make good use of it.

There can be a long post that i can write about time as there are many different ways one can talk about it.

If you are not educated with good manners in your childhood , you will hardly had a chance to learn them in your adulthood.

Because there is a right time for everything and you must do that then only.

If you have studied entire year one day won't make a difference and if you haven't studied entire year then also one day won't make a difference.



In both the cases you can find how valuable time really is.

A person who made good use of the time by studying entire year will not get effected by missing his/her studies for one day because the entire year was use wisely.

Similarly a person who has wasted his entire year without studying can not do anything in one day and hence here also one day won't make any difference.

my father always taught me to value time.

Let's keep all this aside , talk about your beautiful time. People now a days talk about capturing the beauty time in Camera.

I also do that there is nothing bad in that but to only Capture beautiful time in Cameras and not enjoying it is wrong.

We do not try to feel our beautiful time and when it's gone we are left with nothing but those photographs.

we then think that oh...! we should have done this , we should have done that.

but as that time is gone , we can do nothing but regret. Regret , of not using it wisely , of not living that time properly.

we are busy in our life earning money , we humans value the time but not for our families.

For our business , for our work , etc.



Then one day comes , that's the day we are living the last moments of our life.

that day we will say , Oh ! i have everything , i earned everything for my children but i forgot one thing.

I forgot to live...!!!

Value your time but not only for your work but for yourself as well , for your family because one day when we ll be going to leave this world.

we won't think of money , we will think of our beautiful time and for that we have to make some beautiful time.

Thank You

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