Coastal Nymph / Splinterlands Art Contest Week 289


coastal nymph10.png

Thought the only Nymph in the Splinterlands card was the River Nymph, not until I saw this one Coastal Nymph. It was an amazing experience for me me making a work of the Coastal Nymph, her abilities or specialties I don't know yet but her beauty I know of.
Woah, just educated my self a little about the Coastal Nymph and I saw it is a water splinter that has the ability of healing her and her teammates injury and I was right about her beauty and I also learnt that she has a melodious voice.
Thanks for visiting my post and do not forget to drop off your comments before leaving, goodnight.

Here are the procedures,

coastal nymph.png

coastal nymph1.png

coastal nymph2.png

coastal nymph3.png

coastal nymph4.png

coastal nymph5.png

coastal nymph6.png

coastal nymph7.png

coastal nymph8.png

coastal nymph10.png

A screenshot of my work in progress.

Screenshot (11).png

Thanks for visiting.
