Perseverance As A Key To Business Success
Hi, my beloved hivers here in the Be Entrepreneur community. It's good to have you here again in this space. I welcome you to my blog.
It's been a while since I shared my view in this great community, so it pleases me to do so this evening. I want to share my view on what I title perseverance as a key to business success.
A lot of entrepreneurs don't have this particular quality, but it's vital as an entrepreneur to have it so you can run a successful business.
What is perseverance?
Perseverance is the ability of an individual to be able to persist in certain goals despite some obstacles or setbacks such an individual may encounter.
Why must an Entrepreneur possess this quality?
The response is simple. The reasons entrepreneurs must try as they could to persevere are as follows:
(1) Achieving Goals: An individual who perseveres would surely focus on his or her goals as well as being committed to his or her business. That alone would pave the way for business success and growth.
(2) Boosting Confidence: An individual who wishes to succeed in life must persevere, and this would help him or her to build confidence in his or her abilities.When there's confidence, such an Entrepreneur would learn to trust his or herself, and also find out ways to overcome all challenges.
(3) Developing problem-solving skills: Perseverance indeed helps an entrepreneur to know how to solve all problems in business. It helps an entrepreneur to think creatively, and that would give such an entrepreneur an insight into how to solve problems.
I want to round up my write-up by sharing this true life story of my mother. I want to share it here because it has something to do with perseverance.
My mother was a businesswoman, though not the type who sells some food items at the market. But she was dealing in the oil production business and selling those oils to people who needed them.
So when the three of us had admission into the higher institution, she lamented that no one would be there to help her in her oil production business.
So she came up with the idea of going into the market to get a place so she could sell some food items since she couldn't do the oil production business by herself.
Fortunately for her, she got a place and she started selling. As days went by, some group of mockers went to her, and they asked her what she thought she was selling.
They asked her to go back to the house that she wasn't meant to sell at the market. I thought she would feel discouraged by those words, but it turned out that she became more serious about selling food items than before.
At a point, those people began to wonder what sought of a woman she was. She was able to persevere, and that helped her to succeed in her business.
Permit me to say that, she's the one feeding the whole family from the money she made from those food items she sells at the market.
Had it been she listened to what they said, it would have been difficult for her and us as her children to survive. But I appreciate her for not giving up on her decisions.
Never give up on yourself because your tomorrow must be better than today. There are so many successful entrepreneurs in Nigeria and outside Nigeria. They didn't become successful overnight; it took time and perseverance for them to reach the peak.
You will also reach there if you decide to persevere in your various businesses no matter the challenges.Man proposses but God disposses.
Take a decision right now and see how far you will go.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I remain your favorite girl @joyben.