


Hello fellow beer lovers, I just got back from a barbecue and craft beer festival. Admission to the event was completely free. All it took place on the shore of Cabo Branco beach in the capital of Paraíba, João Pessoa.

Dozens of tents, stands and even mini trucks decorated according to the beer or barbecue available for sale. A festival with more than 30 different types of beers and premium cuts of meat such as picanha, filet and smoked Angus ribs. The variety of beers and snacks on offer at the event highlights the Brazilian cuisine, ensuring a quality accompaniment to the beers on offer.

In a short time, the place turned into a real human anthill. There were beers on display at every stand, types like IPA, pilsner, Lager, Session, ICE, Red ale and countless varieties that I had never heard of, a beer paradise. You could buy 200ml glasses up to containers with almost 3 liters, a real bucket of beer. The minimum price was R$10.00 and I don't know the maximum price, I found beers where a glass cost more than R$100.00.



I couldn't visit everything, the crowd of people is surreal, it's a popular party, people don't let the opportunity pass them by. During the time I spent there, I tried about 10 varieties of beers but I gave up trying the others, the crowd and the huge lines for the bathrooms made me give up.

A cool detail is that there are barrels of free beer spread throughout the festival. If you have a glass in your hand, you can drink as much as you want. The only problem is not knowing the origin or type of beer in the barrel. Anyway, it's part of the party.



The variety of barbecues and snacks available at the venue was huge, but I didn't eat anything there, i prioritized the beers. In the end, I decided to visit a bar, ordered a Spaten and had dinner with some skewers.

Not to say that I didn't bring back any souvenirs from the festival, I bought this Wienbier 59 IPA, a beer that I'm tasting while I write this post. I confess that its flavor is different from what I imagined. It has a strong bitterness, a beer that stands out, its sip is remarkable, and it has a strong personality with its 7% alcohol content.



Anyway, that was a little bit of the event I attended. It was an incredible experience. I apologize for the photos, but the crowd made it impossible to take better and more specific photos, I also avoided taking my cell phone out of my pocket to take photos in the middle of the crowd.

This is #BeerSaturday week and I would like to invite @lobaobh to write a post in any language about beer with at least 3 pictures.

All the content, pics and editions are of my authorship.



Olá amigos cervejeiros, acabei de voltar de um festival de churrasco e cervejas artesanais. A entrada para o evento foi totalmente gratuita. Tudo aconteceu na orla da praia de Cabo Branco, na capital da Paraíba, João Pessoa.

Dezenas de barracas, estandes e até mini trucks decorados de acordo com a cerveja ou churrasco disponíveis para venda. Um festival com mais de 30 tipos diferentes de cervejas e cortes premium de carnes como picanha, filé e costela de Angus defumada. A variedade de cervejas e petiscos oferecidos no evento destaca a culinária brasileira, garantindo um acompanhamento de qualidade às cervejas oferecidas.

Em pouco tempo, o local se transformou em um verdadeiro formigueiro humano. Havia cervejas em exposição em todos os estandes, tipos como IPA, pilsner, Lager, Session, ICE, Red ale e inúmeras variedades que eu nunca tinha ouvido falar, um paraíso cervejeiro. Você podia comprar copos de 200ml até recipientes com quase 3 litros, um verdadeiro balde de cerveja. O preço mínimo era R$ 10,00 e não sei o preço máximo, encontrei cervejas em que um copo custava mais de R$ 100,00.

Não consegui visitar tudo, a multidão de pessoas é surreal, é uma festa popular, as pessoas não deixam a oportunidade passar. Durante o tempo que passei lá, experimentei umas 10 variedades de cervejas mas desisti de experimentar as outras, a multidão e as filas enormes para os banheiros me fizeram desistir.

Um detalhe legal é que há barris de cerveja grátis espalhados por todo o festival. Se você tiver um copo na mão, pode beber o quanto quiser. O único problema é não saber a procedência ou o tipo de cerveja no barril. De qualquer forma, faz parte da festa.

A variedade de churrascos e petiscos disponíveis no local era enorme, mas não comi nada lá, priorizei as cervejas. No final, decidi visitar um bar, pedi uma Spaten e jantei com alguns espetinhos.

Para não dizer que não trouxe nenhuma lembrança do festival, comprei esta Wienbier 59 IPA, uma cerveja que estou degustando enquanto escrevo este post. Confesso que seu sabor é diferente do que eu imaginava. Tem um amargor forte, uma cerveja que se destaca, seu gole é marcante e tem uma personalidade forte com seus 7% de teor alcoólico.

Enfim, esse foi um pouco do evento que participei. Foi uma experiência incrível. Peço desculpas pelas fotos, mas a multidão impossibilitou que eu tirasse fotos melhores e mais específicas, também evitei tirar o celular do bolso para tirar fotos no meio da multidão.

Esta é a semana do #BeerSaturday e gostaria de convidar @lobaobh para escrever um post em qualquer idioma sobre cerveja com pelo menos 3 fotos.

Todo o conteúdo, fotos e edições são de minha autoria.


Bzzz-rrr! Sounds like a sweet festival, Josiva! A beer paradise with many varieties and delicious barbecue options. I'm all buzzing about it! Did you try any new brews or favorite snacks? #hivebr


barbecue and craft beer festival

barrels of free beer spread throughout the festival

Ok, this sounds just amazing!
No wonder it was totally crowded. Perhaps the early risers were the lucky ones who didn't have to be among so many people.

But wait, you tried 10 styles of beer on the same day? wow that's quite a lot, unless it was only 200.00 mL glasses then I could come to understand hahaha.

Dinner looks great, it's a shame it wasn't how to dine at the festival and enjoy the great variety that was there, but there's no point in getting overwhelmed trying to survive the crowd either. cheers!


Good morning, first of all I apologize for the late response. I was away from HIVE for a few days, due to personal issues.

Let's talk about the details you mentioned: I tried about 10 types of beer at the time, but I didn't try more because you can't appreciate the detail of each flavor and the bathroom was cramped, very peoples. I drank almost 2 liters in different beers, I only bought 200 ml glasses.

Man, the place to enjoy it is excellent, but I found the number of people worrying. I don't like crowds. I like something more peaceful. Regarding the beer barrels around the place, I didn't try any. Honestly, I was afraid to drink them because I didn't know where they came from, but there was a long line for each barrel.

It was a great day. I didn't know about the event. They said it's held annually in September.
