Time: The Uncertainty Of Any Knowledge

People have a tendency to underestimate others, especially given the conditions or circumstances that surround them. I am saying this realistically rather than sentimentally. As humans, we are not expected to be overly realistic; this is a psychological phenomenon that distinguishes us as a superior species.

However, we have a tendency to tilt towards what is real and what is not, rather than sitting on the fence, and this can lead to us underestimating people, things, and even situations based on the circumstances surrounding them.

For example, it is easier to conclude that an educated, ambitious person will succeed in life than an uneducated person who is sick and has a lot of debt. It is simple; the circumstances favor the former over the latter, and while it can be painful for a person to be written off because of the circumstances surrounding them, that is just how it is.

In life, there is always the temptation to prove people wrong, especially if they have not written you off. It could be out of spite for you, but most of the time it is just them speaking from a realistic rather than a reasonable point of view. We wanted others to see us as we see ourselves, but unfortunately, most people in life are empathetic about themselves and work hard to be who they want to be.

This is to say that people dislike being labeled as poor, struggling, wretched, unhealthy, sick, or dying, even if it accurately describes their current situation.

To be honest, being realistic can take the sting or fight out of life. When people accept that they are poor as perceived by others, it becomes extremely difficult to fight, change their situation, or strive for a different position.

In reality, life requires a balance of hope and realism. When we lean too far to one side, we turn into zombies.

Let us take a quick look at something familiar: cryptocurrency.

Many people have been underestimating cryptocurrency for a long time, calling it rat poison, lottery, and other ambiguous names; this has caused many people to sell their crypto because someone famous said it.

I remember Warren Buffett giving BTC the thumbs down, and I was not angry with him because he was speaking from a wealth perspective. He made money through various ventures and was one of those elitists who defined wealth-making; from his perspective, BTC is not a traditional way of making money, so he disqualified it.

The truth is that he did not really open his mind to the possibilities, analyze it, or ask someone who knows how it works to do it for him. For him, it was a closed-ended opinion, and unfortunately, human knowledge can change in an innovative way.

I do not believe crypto needs to prove him wrong; he may learn as time passes, or he may not, as is the case with many others.

For me, I believe that certain phenomena in life are destined to change.

Miracles happen every day, which is why we see things, people, and things working against the odds. It only demonstrates that people are limited in what they know, and that we frequently function by making assumptions, deductions, or random predictions based on the parameters of what we know.

I know people who have said that I will amount to nothing, and I most likely have. I still do not think I am anything, but I am not in the gutter as they had predicted.

Was I pushed because of their assertions?

Yes, is it because I pushed that I am not where they anticipate I will be? No, it is a miracle that I am not where they think I am, begging in a hospital bed, hooked up to IV fluids, with months or years of unpaid medical bills.

I have learned that people place too much emphasis on their knowledge while failing to consider the possibility of its limitations.

In reality, science has only scratched the surface of what the human mind is capable of accomplishing, and this is because the science underlying the human mind is not ordinary. Wow. So I went from cryptocurrency to finance, psychology, and now theology? I believe you understand. There is so much bigger than who we are.

Nothing concludes with the end of what we know. Time proves people right or wrong, but this is rarely documented because life is fleeting and short.

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Nigeria: A Unique Business Market & Industry
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How To Find The Next "BIG" Meme Coin
Personal Finance: Achieving Intentional "Saving" Goals
Playing The Survival Game: Human Nature In Introspection
"Un-PAYING" The Debt You Owe


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You may be wrong or right but when you're gone from this short life no one will really care anyway...

Buffet won't be around much longer anyway, so his opinion is unlikely to change. The man is in his 90's!

I think we crypto believers will forge ahead and hopefully make a fortune along the way!


You're right, whether one is truly wrong or right, I think no one will eventually care. Personally I just think time changes what is considered to be set in stone.

Yeah, at 90+, Buffet may not have a lot of time anymore, so maybe people do not really care about his opinion, anymore and want to just do what they want.

Indeed, crypto will forge ahead.

How is today? Feel better?


Hanging in, not too bad overall. Lots of stuff I need to get done here, buy trying to find the desire to get to it today. Maybe tomorrow!


Lots of stuff keeps you mind away from stuffs that might just weigh you down, it doesn't completely take the thoughts away though, at least it just happens like that for me. Maybe tomorrow like you've said


Time: the river flows without waiting or reversing


Time changes a lot of things. After things get fleshed out, people become less skeptical. I do think that Buffet still thinks crypto as a scam, but a lot of people can see how things play out. Nobody knows what will happen and everything has a risk to an extent.


Well Buffet made his money in ways a huge percentage of people cannot understand nowadays and it has become too saturated. I think for him, it's about not trusting things he didn't know in his hay days
