There is no loyalty in Web3.
Many Splinterlands players are upset that the latest proposal for $500k funding is stalled, and I understand; I am also disappointed. There should be a way to counteract this indifference, rather than the usual lobbying, hatred, threats, and discord politics. Whales are fighting, and even long-time friends are arguing about this proposal.
It simply shows the state of human nature.
People will fight over things like this, but this does not imply that Hive is broken; rather, it indicates that the chain is functioning. It has not been a landslide victory for SPL. However, that is web3 for you; you have no loyalty, only rationality.
Money has always been a major issue in the real world, and it is not limited to Hive I saw a post today from an old timer who returned after a two-year absence, and he was basically complaining about how the place is flawed, terrible, and unlikely to work. I would not say he did not know what he was saying; he was correct on many points, but it is not greener somewhere else. There are always advantages and disadvantages, and unfortunately, this is the case.
The web3 space is struggling for traction, retention, and money, and Hive is no exception.
When people are not rewarded in accordance with their expectations, they begin to look for other places to go, they begin to believe that their time is not worth what they are giving, and they no longer refer to when it was good.
However, they are unaware that web3 is the most cruel space out there, with people who only look out for themselves and rugpull at any opportunity. When there is enough money to go around, loyalty is strong; when there isn't, people begin to question the technology.
This also holds true in real life.
People suffer on a daily basis to make money; some even betray the trust of those they love for money; people who require financial assistance to survive are frequently denied; in essence, the poor get poorer while the rich get richer.
There are people who spend millions of dollars at the club every day, while there are children on the streets who cannot afford to eat, people who can afford to buy nine lives, and people who cannot afford to buy basic medications. There is no fairness in life, and it is even more pronounced in web3.
I used to make a post about a Telegram project called Pixelverse, which amassed 75 million players and was supposed to launch on TON Blockchain; however, they never did and did not provide the users with the airdrop they promised. They farmed their 75 million users on telegram and YouTube and ended up failing. They paid some Nigerian Twitter influencers to continue defending them, which they willingly did.
These influencers betrayed their community, who helped them become the influencers they are today, for the sake of money without thinking twice. People were angry, but they eventually moved on. The people who took money to defend Pixelverse did what they did, and that is what it is.
My point is that money is a volatile issue that often brings out the best and worst in people.
There is no loyalty anywhere, and to be honest, this is also true on Hive. Sometimes you have to earn what you get. We understand that the space should be more welcoming to people. But the people here are human beings with different attitudes and personalities; we can not control how anyone thinks or acts.
People here will express themselves through their stake, posts, and reactions to proposals, and there are no kinder or more terrible people. It has something to do with web3 and is not related to Hive. People are people, and decentralization expands the ways in which people should communicate or react to the resources they have.
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I'm feeling emotional about this because you are just laying out true life facts.
I heard this saying from my brother, "No positive outcome, no loyalty to source". I didn't really understand what he meant, but I think everything you've said here is simplified explanation of what my brother tried telling me.
We hope for a better tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing.
Indeed, no loyalty anywhere.
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
@bhattg thanks
I think this is why we tend to see so many newbies leave the platform after a short while of staying because they believe that they are not getting what they deserve from the platform so they always want to make more and the best way to do it is find somewhere else.
Apart from content creating it's just that way everywhere. I think people getting used to themselves is the best way. We're prone to betraying others even though we shouldn't, unless everyone finds Christ, it'll remain like this in some places.
When money is involved, that is when you'll know who's your friend or foe.
Hive isn't different from the real world where people go to any length just to make money, it's just that here isn't paper money but it's still money.
Just like you wrote, some people leave for other places when they feel their efforts aren't rewarded, that's true. It's discouraging to see a post you spent hours writing not get any reasonable support, with the claim that it's not a quality vote, and I ask, who and what determines a quality vote?
There are some communities you'd like to be part of but their rules are such a scare. How then will they grow if no one joins them.
About the Pixelverse, I really felt for friends who their time in that airdrop hoping something good will come out of it, but they were disappointed. Imagine the millions of dollars the project owners got yet they couldn't stay true to their words. That's what we see in the online space. Some people are leveraging on others to amass wealth forgetting that karma is real. For the so called Nigerians who sold their rights for peanuts, they are worse than the project owners, and their own karma is waiting at their doorsteps
Whether on Web3 or elsewhere, so far it's in the online space, you're just on your own.
Thanks for the detailed comment. In reality, I think there's mostly nothing like time and the equality of reward. You can spent 6 months and get 5$ and also spent 3 months and get 500$ I think sometimes effort does not matter, sometimes people get lucky or unlucky. So if anyone choose to leave because they got unlucky, they'll miss other opportunities or chances because they got angry and left.
You're right about this. It's just a matter of luck and who knows who.
In the end you called it right, people are people, and they always will be. There are no true loyalties anywhere online which is sad. I have seen ultra religious self righteousness businessman stab me in the back to make a few more dollars. Somehow business and religious teachings they claim to live by cease to exist when it comes to money. I suppose the world has always been this way, and the older I get the more cynical I become.
Great thought evoking post today, too bad we can't improve the world through writing. But we can always hope that our examples make a difference in the end.
People are people, and unfortunately it's the nature of man. I think religion makes people think there's an exemption to what they can do and what they cannot. However spirituality is a choice to do good and leave the disposition to sin against a fellow man just like that man did to you. I'm sorry on his behalf, that was bad.
I'm learning to be be good; with everyone, with everything and try my best not to allows my human instincts take the best of me.
We can always choose to be better people, but many doesn't care.
Yeah, I was a bit reflective today and this inspired this post.
I wish more people in the world would take the time to try to treat others right. I try to and I know you do to, keep it up maybe it will make a big difference in someone's life down the road. That's the way I like to look at it!
Yeah, I've done a lot of ills too, and I feel that a lot of ills have been done to me too, even by those that are family and the ones that are friends. However on my own, just like you've said, maybe I'll make a difference someday.
How has it been with you so far?
I wouldn't say that HIVE is different than any other platform about how humans interact on it, but there is one huge difference that many (including myself many times) can't grasp... You said it in the first quoted sentence... When people are not getting what they EXPECT to get, they begin with hatred, negative rants, etc.
The main "problem" (I wouldn't say that it is, but some would) of HIVE is that it tends to be a decentralized ecosystem, and decentralization isn't something that CAN please EVERYONE... And it requires participants to RESPECT the will of others, even if it is wrong, against their belief, or whatever... But, like you said, that is really hard for us humans, but it's not impossible... It needs time...
We tend to take things very personally, and most of the time, they aren't! The same goes with this Splinterlands proposal... It wasn't personal, but many took it like that...
Thanks for the wonderful input, I can't help but agree.
With splinterlands proposal, I think old wounds were opened, some people had the time to reignite their grudges. Unfortunately the place where the allegiance of a person lies can make it easier to attract enemies or will I say anti-friends..
In the case of Hive, I think decentralization allows people to over express themselves and this can bring issues.
Maybe in the future the chain can find ways to mitigate some of the issues that comes with over-decentralization
Money talks, right?
I believe you had a post some time ago about loyalty and how it relates to money and that relationships in life are often based on interest (money), not on loyalty.
This isn't always the case, but it is often enough. And in the rest of situations, usually loyalty is earned over time and kept alive. It's not to be taken for granted.
I'm not sure where we stand in the situation with Splinterlands. I'll probably slowly move on from following this topic, since it became kind of toxic, where it should've been a pretty clear one, if egos wouldn't have taken over the conversation instead of logic.
I follow the topic because it's an iconic and an important one as well. I think were we stand is that people are Uncertain about this funding especially with the way the DHF has always been a controversial issue.
However, I'm happy this is happening, because I'm predicting that splinterlands will get this funding and it'll foster a good lesson that as a project, they need to just get it right.
Because of decentralization, the proposal hasn't passed, but people just needs to know why it's important it passes, eventually it's going to be a good learning curve
Maybe with this occasion people learn that every governance vote matters and probably should not ignore important matters (for them, for Hive, or for the projects they love and use). A little over 800 votes on a major proposal is insignificant.
There is no loyalty in the crypto space. I have noticed that money is a huge concern for a lot of people and the DHF proposal is just playing by the system. I don't blame the whales at all. They have enough HP to do it but that highlights the reason why people should be increasing their HP.
Splinterlands after this proposal might begin to promote the need to also hold or have HP, especially if they'll need another fund maybe sometimes in the future.