Voyager with the most problems.


Voyager with the most problems.


In mid-December, NASA announced that it had a problem with one of the three computers on Voyager 1, it was called the flight data systems computer, the spacecraft receives and executes commands sent from Earth, without However, this computer did not communicate properly and is not capable of sending scientific or engineering data to Earth.

The data it must send is in the form of ones and zeros (binary code), but lately the computer began transmitting a repetitive pattern of ones and zeros, as if it were in an eternal loop or as if it were stuck saying the same thing over and over again.

This spacecraft was launched in 1977 along with its twin, Voyager 1. They are the two spacecraft that have been in operation for the longest time in history and their energy sources are increasingly scarce, so it is not surprising that they suffer malfunctions. There are no strange things, there are no extraterrestrial ships that are kidnapping them, nor are they arriving at a mysterious place, nor is there a long way to go to the border of the Cosmos.


Communicating with them and solving the problem is proving to be very complicated. At the time of writing this publication, there is still no correct response from the ship. At the moment, this is how things are, the ship is sending some repetitive commands because it is already starting to malfunction and The technicians are trying to solve this problem and it is not the first problem that this ship has had.

In mid-May 2022, NASA also reported another failure it had with this same ship, technically they said verbatim that it had gone crazy, it wasn't the repetitive messages from now, the ones from 2022 were random messages, without any meaning. After many analyzes and operations, on August 30, NASA was able to correct the problem. Apparently the failure was that the probe's attitude control and articulation system, which is what keeps the ship's antenna pointing at the Earth had begun sending telemetry data through an onboard computer that stopped working 3 years ago.


These ships have three computers and some no longer work to save energy and that computer that began to work on its own was the one that broke the information and sent the crazy data, why did this happen, why was a computer activated that had been there for years? It did not work, because to this day it is still a mystery, but the ship once again sent us correct information and data about what it was finding on its journey to the stars, that breakdown in 2022 was in May and was repaired in August so The current one of December 2023 may not be repaired until February-March.

The two ships are currently operating with very little energy, many of their equipment has stopped working, I did not find the information, but I highly doubt that they still have the capacity to take photos and even though they are blind and weakened, they continue to send a lot of information about a region of space. which is completely unknown to us, no ship is as far away as these two waves that are about 722 kg and come from the analog era, they come from the 70s, it is amazing that they are still working.


Keep in mind that the ships' computers have about 69 kb of memory, that is ridiculous, that is 100,000 times less memory than that of a normal smartphone, the thing is that Voyager's computers have less memory than the key fob that opens the door of a car and yet they continue to function and continue to send us essential data to understand issues such as the density of particles and radiation in Interstellar space.

And I say Interstellar space, space between the stars because, although Voyager has not yet abandoned the gravitational influence of the sun, it will take thousands of years to do so, they have abandoned the heliopause, which would be the barrier that separates interstellar space from the heliosphere. That bubble is as far as the Sun's influence from the solar wind reaches.


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And like these ancient systems suspended in space, there must be many others. It is incredible that with so little memory they can keep sending data, although it is also incredible why they fail to update them.

In case it doesn't work anymore, how would they get out of orbit?

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Hello, it is impossible to update it, they are thousands of kilometers away, moving away faster and faster.

What needs to be done is to send more modern ones in many directions of the cosmos, thus advancing more objectives.

Thanks for the information!
