They find Plato's tomb
They find Plato's tomb

Imagining that we could recover the library of Alexandria would be almost the same, but on a slightly smaller level, but it is still amazing.

We have here one of the photos of one of the rolls, well of one
part of a scroll, because the scrolls measure about 10 m on average each, there are 18,800 volumes and now a research project led by a papyrologist from the University of Pisa has managed to read 30% of one of the carbonized papyri from Herculaneum, it is a work by a philosopher Epicurius called Philodemus of Gadara.

Everyone knows a little bit about Plato, if they don't know Plato's extensive work, perhaps they have heard the theme of the myth of the cave. The myth of the cave inspires a lot of things, even talking about Atlantis, for example. , it is incredible; If they have only revealed a single papyrus out of only 30% and have discovered the possible location of Plato's tomb, how many things will be in those scrolls.
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