In search of the origin of the Asteriode Bennu.


In search of the origin of the Asteriode Bennu.


As I already told you in previous publications, NASA, after many efforts and almost 4 months, managed to remove the two screws that were blocking the opening of the main sample container that the OSIRIS-REx mission brought to Earth on September 24, 2023 from the asteroid. Bennu.

Detailed analysis of the samples can lead to some data that are beginning to be known and are very curious. It is believed that the samples date back to 4.5 billion years ago, it was the time when the planets in the solar system were formed, according to publications. The media after interviewing the scientists who are analyzing the sample, it turns out that the first analysis indicates the presence of phosphate in the meteorite.

What does the above mean, that Bennu could be a small fragment of an oceanic world, an object with a lot of liquid water, I say object because now we know that not only planets like Earth can have oceans, but also moons with icy crusts like those of Jupiter, Ganymede, Europa or Saturn's Enceladus may have oceans under their icy surface.

There are two possibilities in the case of Bennu, the first, to imagine a solar system in formation with hundreds of protoplanets that would be like baby planets, most smaller than our moon, the sun back then shone less than it does now and molecules of carbon were abundant. water so there would be many of those protoplanets that would have the appearance of an icy ball, under their ice shell they would have an ocean of liquid water heated by the young core of the protoplanet, that would be an option.

The other would be the existence of larger worlds, the size of Mars or larger, with dense atmospheres and surface oceans. This could be so because at that time the solar system that was being formed was also full of asteroids that collide every so often with the protoplanets in formation, it would be like the impact that ended the era of the dinosaurs, but not every 100 million years but rather every 100 or every 200 years, the heat from these impacts would melt the icy crusts, creating worlds with dense atmospheres and sufficient heat enough to have large oceans of liquid water.

We will have to wait for the following analyzes to be able to affirm that the asteroid Bennu is the remains of one of those ancient worlds with oceans, which was destroyed billions of years ago. We cannot affirm it now, the research has only just begun.

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