Finally access to samples from the asteroid Bennu


Finally access to samples from the asteroid Bennu


Finally, after months of effort, she managed to remove the two stuck screws that prevented opening the main container with samples of the asteroid Bennu that arrived on Earth on September 24. The problem was how to remove the two stuck screws without breaking everything or contaminating the samples.

The reason for this mission was to obtain fresh and original samples of an asteroid, because here on Earth we have meteorites that are nothing more than remains of asteroids, the problem is that when they enter the atmosphere they suffer the enormous heat caused by their speed at rub against atmospheric gases.

Then when they fall, when they crash into the ground, those fragments that we already call meteorites can become contaminated with terrestrial material. Furthermore, many, such as those found in the Antarctic ice sheet, are found after centuries or thousands of years. having fallen to the ground.


For this reason, it was necessary to find an original sample, to know what an asteroid really has and if asteroids can form complex organic molecules such as those necessary for the origin of life, that was the main reason for the OSIRIS mission. REx to asteroid Bennu.

NASA already showed us in September that there were about 70 grams of asteroid outside the main container, but on January 17 the space agency finally published an image of the inside of the main container, where it is estimated that there are 250 grams and that is much, it is much more than what the Japanese managed to bring back in 2018 from the asteroid Ryugu which was only 5.4 grams.

In those 5.4 grams of asteroid samples, the Japanese found uracil, a basic organic molecule that is one of the essential elements that make up the RNA of all living beings, now that we have much more material, what the scientists found among the Bennu samples.

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