Discovered the fifth force of the Universe.


Discovered the fifth force of the Universe.


The finding was announced in an article published in the physical scientific journal el review letters, the scientists who made it form the international team of the Muon g-2 experiment, an experiment that has been carried out since 2008 at the facilities of the Fermi or Fermilab national laboratory located about 50 km west of Chicago.

We must appreciate the magnitude and importance of this experiment that has united scientific institutions and researchers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, China, South Korea and Russia, some of which are countries that are politically at odds but whose scientists have united in this breakthrough with great potential for the future of all humanity.

Researchers in the news say they have found new evidence that muons, which are particles similar to electrons but 200 times as massive, do not behave as they should according to the Standard Model of physics, and that difference may be due to the action of a fifth force of nature to an unknown one.


Muons have been known for a long time, they are produced in nature, for example with cosmic rays that fall on the earth and have curious applications, for example, they have been used to scan large structures thanks to them it has been discovered that there are voids and galleries hidden inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Muons, like electrons, have a tiny internal magnet that presence of a magnetic field makes precision not wobble like the axis of a top, precision speed in a given magnetic field depends on the muon's magnetic moment, typically represented by the letter G at the simplest level the theory predicts that G should be equal to 2, the difference of G 2 or G - 2 can be attributed to the interactions of the mold with the particles in the quantum foam that surrounds it.

To simplify, those particles are flickering in and out of existence in the universe, the standard model of physics predicts how G changes in the quantum foam, but the results presented now show that there is something that does not fit the standard model, that there is something else and that something else can open up a new physics and that something else can be a new integration or force of nature.


And it is that the standard model of physics works quite well and helps us to understand how the universe works, but unfortunately it is not complete, because the unknown and still unexplained part of the universe is huge, there are many things that the standard model cannot explain, for example, why there are 19 fundamental constants with apparently arbitrary values ​​that are adjusted with extreme precision so that things happen, is that a small variation in one of those constants and the entire universe would change or be destroyed.

Or why at the origin of the universe matter won antimatter or one of the biggest mysteries that is dark matter and dark energy that make up 95% of the universe, those are just some of the things that the standard model does not manages to explain, in reality it only manages to explain and with problems 5% of the universe.


In conclusion, this discovery supposes the possibility of more knowledge and opening the doors to a new force or fundamental interaction, right now we cannot know what to do with it, but the four previous ones have allowed us to reach the current civilization, where are we going? Can you carry a fifth? The answer may take time to arrive, but it may be amazing.

For now, this finding expands our knowledge of physics and how the universe works. The researchers behind the Muon G minus 2 experiment are now waiting to collect more data and confirm their calculations, and they are not the only ones on the trail of the fifth force or There is a team of researchers in Europe who, in addition, have the largest machine built by humans, the Large Hadron Collider and the largest and most energetic particle accelerator that exists.

For years they have been looking for that fifth force, that fifth interaction of nature, if everything goes well, if the researchers who have made this finding are right, we would be opening the door to a new force, to a new power, to a new step to level up our civilization.

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