A few years ago we were at the top - By YSJ

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Hive Blog is the home of many bees, these last years has grown significantly! I am not so old in the family but, I remember that when I just started in hive there were not many of us.... In 2021 I think we did not exceed 50,000 members of this huge family, and now at the beginning of 2024 I think we almost reached 100,000 or maybe we have already passed it...

Hive Blog es la casa hogar de muchas abejas, estos últimos años ha crecido de forma significativa! No soy tan viejo en la familia pero, si recuerdo que cuando recién comencé en hive no eramos muchos... En el 2021 creo que no pasábamos los 50.000 integrantes de esta enorme familia, y ahora a principios del 2024 creo que ya casi alcanzamos los 100.000 o quizás ya lo pasamos...



The thing is that there are more of us, but the hive keeps going down... I remember that some years ago we were at the top! I don't know what we did, or how we knew how to give value to our main currency (the hive) but we had a unique moment of greatness...

La cosa es que somos más, pero cada vez el hive sigue bajando... Recuerdo que hace algunos años atrás estábamos en la cima! no se que hicimos, o como supimos darle valor a nuestra moneda principal (el hive) pero tuvimos un momento de grandeza único...

Hive price on February 8, 2024 👇


Information obtained through binance.com

Hive price on December 5, 2021 👇


Information obtained through binance.com

Like Hivers, we have to go to great lengths to get back to who we were, and in this year 2024 I know we will achieve great things!

Como Hivers, tenemos que hacer hasta lo imposible de volver a ser quienes eramos, y en este año 2024 se que lograremos grandes cosas!

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