In tribute to the Courage [EN/ES]


English Version

Monuments give continuity to noble acts because they act as palpable symbols of values such as courage, solidarity and justice. Through their presence they convey lessons of humanity and humility. They are structures that not only honour past deeds, but also motivate us to follow the virtues they represent.

In the Necrópolis de Colón, in Havana, Cuba, we find a clear example of a monument that keeps alive the memory of one of these events. I am referring to the Firemen's Mausoleum, which immortalises the memory of a group of brave firemen who lost their lives in a tragic fire that occurred in Old Havana more than a hundred years ago. The Monument to the Firemen of the Necropolis of Colon is one of the most beautiful and moving works of this sacred place.


The Monument to the Firemen of the Necropolis of Colon is one of the most beautiful and moving works of this sacred place. This great marble memorial stands out immediately for being the tallest structure, attracting attention also for the beauty of its details.




The event that inspired this monumental work occurred when an explosion caused by the negligence of the owner of the premises triggered a fire of great magnitude in the establishment where the incident took place. Many of the firefighters who came to put out the flames were trapped and unable to escape, and this was compounded by the loss of some civilians and authorities who were on the scene.

This tragic event shocked the whole city, so the authorities decided to erect this memorial in honour of the brave heroes. It is for this reason that the date of that day is remembered in Cuba and commemorated on May 17th as Firemen's Day.



The first thing we notice as we enter the Cemetery through its main gate is this large marble memorial which immediately stands out as the tallest structure, drawing your attention to the beauty of its details. At the top is a sculpture of an angel with outstretched wings holding the lifeless body of a man in one hand, while raising the other to the sky in what seemed to me to be a call for divine help.



As I approached the monument, I was able to observe each of its details and admire the delicacy of each decorative element. At the base of the monument, the faces of the deceased firefighters are carved so that their memory is remembered and respected.



On an upper level there are several large female statues, whose attitudes and faces reflect grief and sorrow. There is also a plaque, dedicated by the people of the capital, recalling the date and year of the event so that it will never be forgotten.





This monument is not only a tribute to the fallen heroes, but also a way to remember the courage and dedication of all the people who risk their lives for the welfare of others. Its beauty, symbolism and the action it commemorates make it one of the most prominent, admired and visited landmarks in the Columbus Cemetery.


You can learn more about this monument and the event that inspired it by visiting this link from the Cuban site Ecured

Cheers, and see you next time!

Versión en Español

Los monumentos dan continuidad a los actos nobles porque actúan como símbolos palpables de valores como el coraje, la solidaridad o la justicia. A través de su presencia nos transmiten lecciones de humanidad y humildad. Son estructuras que no solo honran hechos del pasado, sino que también nos motivan a seguir las virtudes que representan.

En la Necrópolis de Colón, en La Habana, Cuba, encontramos un claro ejemplo de un monumento que mantiene vivo el recuerdo de uno de estos hechos. Me refiero al Mausoleo a los Bomberos, que inmortaliza la memoria de un grupo de valerosos bomberos que perdieron la vida en un trágico incendio ocurrido en La Habana Vieja hace más de cien años atrás. El Monumento a los Bomberos de la Necrópolis de Colón es una de las obras más bellas y conmovedoras de este sagrado lugar.

El hecho que inspiró esta monumental obra ocurrió cuando en el establecimiento donde ocurrió el siniestro, una explosión causada por la negligencia del dueño del lugar desencadenó un incendio de gran magnitud. Muchos de los bomberos que acudieron a apagar las llamas quedaron atrapados sin poder escapar, y a esto se sumó la pérdida de algunos civiles y autoridades que se encontraban en el lugar.

Este trágico suceso conmovió a toda la ciudad, por lo que las autoridades decidieron erigir este memorial en honor a los valerosos héroes. Es por esta razón que la fecha de ese dia se recuerda en Cuba y se conmemora el 17 de Mayo como el día de los Bomberos.

Lo primero que se observa al entrar al Cementerio por su portón principal es este gran memorial de mármol que destaca inmediatamente por ser la estructura más alta, llamando la atención además por la belleza de sus detalles. En lo más alto se encuentra la escultura de un ángel con sus alas extendidas sosteniendo el cuerpo sin vida de un hombre en una mano, mientras levanta la otra hacia el cielo en lo que me pareció un llamado de ayuda divina.

Al acercarme pude ir observando cada uno de sus detalles y admirar la delicadeza de cada elemento decorativo. En la base del monumento están tallados los rostros de los bomberos fallecidos para que su memoria sea recordada y respetada.

En un nivel superior se encuentran varias estatuas femeninas de gran tamaño, cuyas actitudes y rostros reflejan dolor y pena. También hay una placa que dedica el pueblo de la capital donde se recuerda la fecha y el año en que ocurrió este hecho para que nunca sea olvidado.

Este monumento no solo es un homenaje a los héroes caídos, sino también una manera de recordar el valor y la dedicación de todas las personas que arriesgan sus vidas por el bienestar de los demás. Su belleza, simbolismo y la acción que conmemora lo convierten en uno de los puntos más destacados, admirados y visitados del Cementerio de Colón.

Pueden conocer más acerca de este monumento y el suceso que lo inspiro visitando este enlace del sitio cubano de Ecured

Un Saludo, y hasta la proxima!

Original content by the author © 2025 @jordy0827. All rights reserved.

Contenido original del autor © 2025 @jordy0827. Todos los derechos reservados.

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This monument is such a powerful tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of firefighters. The intricate details, from the angel lifting a fallen hero to the sorrowful statues, make it a deeply moving piece of architecture. It’s incredible how a structure like this keeps history alive, reminding us of the courage and dedication of those who risk everything for others.


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Oh! The cemetery is quite amazing. The designs of the statues were stunning. At first, when I saw the pictures I thought it was a park. The intricate details of the monuments are truly mesmerizing, the precision and skill involved create fine details are incredible.


Yes, it is very nice, and also in the place there are beautiful works of art.
Thank you for your comment


Not only is the statue beautiful, but the historical story behind it is truly extraordinary @jordy0827


Yes the history is very touching too, and the monument its amazing!



I agree with you, my friend. It's impossible to enter that cemetery and not notice it. It stands out among all the others, and after learning about its history, the feeling you get when you pass by is doubled. Very beautiful photos, lovely post.


Thank you friend, I know you like de monument too. It is amazkng.



Greetings jordy0827, The tomb shown in the content you have shared with us appears to be a place full of memories tied to the past. It is possible to imagine that the statues carved here are special characters here.


Yes, it is a monument that speaks for itself, a special place for very brave people.


Greetings @jordy0827, the sculptures in the cemetery are striking, it is impossible to pass by and ignore them, they deserve at least a minute of attention to appreciate their details and beauty.


You are right, it is impossible not to stand in front of this monument, it is one of the most beautiful in the place.
