Arroyo Arenas Church [EN/ES]
English Versión
Right at the highest point of the village of Arroyo Arenas, in the municipality of La Lisa in Havana, Cuba, stands a church known by all the residents of the place as La Iglesia de Arroyo Arenas (The Church of Arroyo Arenas). Located in the highest part of the village, its bell tower is visible from the main avenue and from different points of the locality, standing out in the distance as an unmistakable symbol.
To access the church you have to climb a large staircase with two entrances, each with a different number of steps. One is steeper and higher than the other, which adds to the grandeur of the place. Most significant when viewing the church from below, standing on the pavement, is its imposing masonry wall, which reinforces its majesty as you look up towards it.
As I got closer I noticed that the building is not in good condition. I remember this church when I was a child, it is a building that was built many years ago and it was the first church I entered when I was in primary school. I can still remember the spacious and bright interior, with large windows that let in the light. However, since that time I have not been able to enter it again. A few years ago I went back with the intention of visiting it, but unfortunately I found it closed, as it is now.
One thing that left me very disappointed was the obvious deterioration of the church. Its main door was closed and surrounded by a fence with a large padlock. The stained glass windows in the front door were broken, as were some of the glass panes in the side windows. The wooden doors were corked, the walls were unpainted and peeling, and the windows were in terrible condition. It was sad to see how much a once well-kept and beautiful place had deteriorated.
As I rounded the church and walked to the back I came across a large statue of a woman. I could not identify her, but her pose suggested that she might be some divinity or religious figure. It stood on a stone pedestal and appeared to be made of concrete, and also showed signs of wear and tear and the passage of time.
The only really nice thing about my visit was the spectacular view from where the church stands. From the hill on which it stands you can enjoy a panoramic view of the whole avenue, so I stopped for a moment to rest and admire the cityscape from that point.
Before leaving, I looked up at the bell tower and one detail caught my attention, the decoration in relief of the Cuban national coat of arms. In general, churches usually have religious symbols, but this patriotic touch was unexpected.
Despite the wear and tear of the building the church retains its grand structure and looks great when seen from afar. I sincerely hope that this site, which has been so important to the community for so many years, does not fall into oblivion. It would be unfortunate if it were to end up as one more of the many buildings that deteriorate and disappear with the passing of time without anyone caring about its preservation.
Versión en Español
Justo en el punto más alto del poblado de Arroyo Arenas, en la municipalidad de La Lisa en La Habana, Cuba, se erige una iglesia conocida por todos los residentes del lugar como La Iglesia de Arroyo Arenas. Situada en la zona más elevada del poblado, su campanario es visible desde la avenida principal y desde diferentes puntos de la localidad, destacándose en la lejanía como un símbolo inconfundible.
Para acceder a la iglesia hay que subir una gran escalinata con dos entradas, cada una con una cantidad diferente de escalones. Una de ellas es más empinada y elevada que la otra lo que añade un aire de grandeza al lugar. Lo más significativo al observar la iglesia desde abajo parada en la acera, es su imponente muro de mampostería, que refuerza su majestuosidad al alzar la vista hacia ella.
A medida que me acercaba noté que la edificación no se encuentra en buenas condiciones. Recuerdo esta iglesia cuando era una niña, es una construcción con muchos años de edificada y fue la primera iglesia a la que entré cuando estaba en la escuela primaria. Aún puedo recordar el interior amplio y luminoso, con grandes ventanales que dejaban entrar la luz. Sin embargo, desde aquella época no he podido volver a entrar. Hace algunos años regresé con la intención de visitarla, pero lamentablemente me la encontré cerrada, como en la actualidad.
Algo que me dejó muy decepcionada fue el evidente deterioro de la iglesia. Su puerta principal estaba cerrada y rodeada por una cerca con un gran candado. Los vitrales de la puerta de entrada estaban rotos, al igual que algunos cristales de los ventanales laterales. Las puertas de madera estaban descorchadas, las paredes sin pintura y descascaradas, y las ventanas en pésimas condiciones. Fue triste ver cuánto se había deteriorado un lugar que en otra época lucía bien cuidado y hermoso.
Al rodear la iglesia y caminar hacia la parte trasera me encontré con una gran estatua de una mujer. No logré identificarla, pero su pose sugería que podría tratarse de alguna divinidad o figura religiosa. Estaba colocada sobre un pedestal de piedra y parecía estar hecha de hormigón, y también mostraba señales de desgaste y del paso del tiempo.
Lo único realmente agradable de mi visita fue la vista espectacular desde el lugar donde está situada la iglesia. Desde la colina en la que se encuentra se puede disfrutar de una panorámica de toda la avenida, asi que me detuve un momento para descansar y admirar el paisaje de la ciudad desde ese punto.
Antes de marcharme miré hacia el campanario y me llamó la atención un detalle, la decoración en relieve del escudo nacional de Cuba. En general las iglesias suelen tener símbolos religiosos, pero este toque patriótico me resultó inesperado.
A pesar del desgaste de la edificación la iglesia mantiene su gran estructura y luce grandiosa vista desde lejos. Espero sinceramente que este sitio, que ha sido tan importante para la comunidad durante tantos años no caiga en el olvido. Sería lamentable que terminara siendo una más de las muchas construcciones que se deterioran y desaparecen con el paso del tiempo sin que nadie se preocupe por su conservación.
Un Saludo a todos y hasta la próxima!
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Bellísimas fotos; gracias por compartir!
Gracias a ti por comentar.
Hola amiga @jordy0827 es una pena que esté descuidada esta iglesia que es tan importante para los residentes del lugar, roguemos porque la restauren y que la encuentres abierta cuando la vuelvas a visitar 🤗🤗
Hola amiga, ojala y la restauren, siempre fue una iglesia muy bonita.
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Thank you @lauramica I am glad you selected my publication 🤗.
You are very welcome @jordy0827! it was well deserved. ☀️
Keep up the great work 💪
Greetings @jordy0827, the view of the street and surroundings of the church are beautiful, the design of the bell tower I like, it has nice decorative details, the dome is striking for its vibrant color.
Thank you very much, I am glad you like the place.
Congratulations @jordy0827! You received the biggest smile and some love from TravelFeed! Keep up the amazing blog. 😍 Your post was also chosen as top pick of the day and is now featured on the TravelFeed front page.
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@for91days (TravelFeed team)
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Thank you very much @travelfeed team for you support always 🤗
The photos are very nice. Didn't you ask the neighbours if that church still offers service? I was intrigued by that sculpture, I searched a bit but didn't find any information.
They had a sign in the back that they attended twice a week for masses for the deceased. On the day I went there it was closed, and the front was not open.
The history and architecture of the Arroyo Arenas Church are truly fascinating! It's heartbreaking to see such an important landmark fall into neglect, but your post beautifully captures its significance and the memories tied to it. Thanks for sharing this journey!✨
Thank you for reading my article. Yes, it is a pity that this once beautiful church is so deteriorated, I hope it will be repaired.
Does the statue behind have no identity? Usually the name and service are written.