Exaltemos las maravillas de Dios. || Let us exalt the wonders of God.


Dios mediante su palabra nos invita a compartir su grandeza y sus maravillas. Vivmos en un mundo lleno de dificultades e incertidumbres constantes, estamos rodeados de desesperanza pero siempre podemos encontrar razones suficiente para agradecer a Dios aún cuando todo pareciera estar en nuestra contra.

Nuestra parte es depositar en Dios la confianza y esperanza y él nos socorre y nos ayuda, fortaleciéndonos y guiándonos en el camino.

Cantad entre las gentes su gloria,
Y en todos los pueblos sus maravillas.

1 Crónicas 16:24

Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre!

God through his word invites us to share his greatness and wonders. We live in a world full of difficulties and constant uncertainties, we are surrounded by hopelessness but we can always find enough reasons to thank God even when everything seems to be against us.

Our part is to place trust and hope in God and he helps us and helps us, strengthening us and guiding us along the way.

Sing among the nations his glory,
And in all towns its wonders.

1 Chronicles 16:24

God bless you today and always!


God is there to support us in the face of every challenge and difficulty.
