Caminando con fe. -- Walking with faith.

In this verse we find a lesson about the opportunity that God gives us to start each day anew.

There are times when we may think that we are very far from God, even from our goals. Here, repentance is the action that invites us to redirect our path and to let go of what is left and to look for what really matters.

Baptism symbolizes this step of faith. It is a decision to change, a decision for a new life, a decision to believe in God. And here, the best of all is that God promises to be by our side forever. He has sent his Holy Spirit to accompany us at all times, being our guide, our strength, and giving us the wisdom to understand and face any challenge.

Today can be a new beginning. If you have dreams to achieve, or different struggles that you want to overcome, remember at all times that God is with you, He is on your side and His heart is ready for you. With God we can overcome any adversity. I invite you to fully trust in His promise and walk in faith!

38 Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:38

God bless you today and always!

En este versículo se encuentra cerrada una enseñanza acerca de la oportunidad que Dios nos da para comenzar cada día de nuevo.

Hay veces que podemos pensar que estamos muy lejos de Dios aún de nuestras metas, aquí el arrepentimiento es la acción que nos invita a redireccionar nuestro camino y a soltar aquello que nos resta y buscar aquello que si realmente importa.

El bautismo simboliza este paso de fe es una decisión de cambio, una decisión de una nueva vida una decisión de creer en Dios. Y aquí lo mejor de todo es que Dios promete estar a nuestro lado para siempre, ha enviado a su espíritu Santo para que nos acompañe en todo momento siendo nuestra guía, nuestra fortaleza y que nos da la sabiduría para entender y hacer frente a cualquier desafío.

Hoy puede ser un nuevo comienzo, si tú tienes sueños por alcanzar, o diferentes luchas las que deseas salir vencedor, recuerda en todo momento que Dios está contigo, está tu lado y su corazón está dispuesto a ti, con Dios podemos superar cualquier adversidad, te invito a que confíes plenamente en su promesa y camina en fe!

38 Pedro les dijo: Arrepentíos, y bautícese cada uno de vosotros en el nombre de Jesucristo para perdón de los pecados; y recibiréis el don del Espíritu Santo.

Hechos 2:38

Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre!


It would be great to see you raise your self-awareness enough that you do not come off like a mumbling insane something... There are hundreds of different paths to "God" and your understanding of "God" is so childish and annoying, it is probably your God’s fault.. You are disconnected from any living God - you worship death and misery and that is how you "live" ( sorry, ferment ), and look like and behave. Learn to coexist. And keep the fucking fuck away until then
