The Purpose of our Existence


Bro. Eli made it clearer in the second part of “The Purpose of our existence”; in his first statement, he said - EVERYTHING: heart, mind, eyes, and our whole being are prepared to do what is good, and that is the purpose of God to us.

According to Bro. Eli's teaching, I understand that God created us to do a particular role in life which is to do what is good and it is seen in Galatians 6:10

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith

Let us do good, because it is the purpose God created us! So, as a pastor beyond telling your members to have faith alone, also do good to them by showing kindness when they need it or not.

To reemphasize - in order to understand the purpose of our existence, we will know we are to do good. According to Ephesians 2:10

KJV:For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Here is Bro Eli admonition - any opportunity you have, do good! Our hands don't have claws, we are not carnivores, so our purpose is not to kill to survive like lions. Our nails are soft, meaning it was not meant to kill people, we are meant to touch in the form of love. Not anything in our being is fit to do what is evil. Our being is not meant to be harmful; hence, we should not be a threat to anybody if we understand the purpose of God. Additionally, just as Bro Eli said - we are not to frighten like tigers, our arms are to welcome those who need our help, we have hands to point directions, we have legs to run to those in need of our help

In conclusion, our life should be prepared to do what is good, for this is the purpose of God.
