Be Nice and conscious about your life aspirations too


Be Nice and conscious about your life aspirations too.

To begin with, I'd like to say that I'm a very humble and cool guy, but then it costs a lot to be calm and nice.
Being extremely nice sometimes may deprive people of their aspiring goals.

So, let's get a breakdown of this whole matter from here.
It wasn't very long when I was flying in an airline, and I quite remember vividly when I particularly chose to stay by the window seat -5A- after booking the flight, the reasons being that I intended to sort out some content while traveling and probably shared my beautiful flight experience with friends and family. And I actually found that so exciting.

However, during the time I was going to board the flight, I kind of noticed that a strange individual had occupied my seat. This said person who was to be in 5B originally, is currently occupying my window seat instead.

Being a gentle and nice man, I politely approached him, bringing to his awareness that there was a mix-up somewhere, that I'm quite sure he was in the wrong seat, and requested for him to kindly evacuate the space.

And a supposed response I got, was a stern look. At the moment, it was spelled out from his expression that giving up on the seat for me was never gonna be an option. To some extent, it felt like he was daring me to ask for evacuation again.

Looking at him closely, I mean he was literally an advanced man age-wise, so I thought of causing no tension.
At this juncture, I chose to be the "Nice" man, telling him, "It's fine, you can occupy the seat while I get seated at your space for peace to reign.

Although the situation was handled amicably, my mission was actually aborted at the expense of being nice over sticking to my initial goal of content creation while boarding the flight. I spent the whole flying hours feeling bad and disappointed.

Sometimes, this is what we're experiencing. We try so hard to please others and to be agreeable, and while doing so, we unconsciously lay down our own objectives. Letting our Emotions and the fear of confrontation set in the way of achieving what we initially set out to do.

In conclusion, I don't think that our goals sometimes need us to be so emotionally attached to them in such a way that could cause us to compromise our ability to get them in place.
Sometimes, we just need to stay firm with our decisions and unapologetically assertive to stay on course.

Not everyone will misunderstand you. It's very good to be nice; don't get it twisted; the point I'm making here is that niceness shouldn't come at the expense of your goals and aspirations. Stay kind enough, but don't allow kindness to come in the way of your life journey.

Understand that niceness is out of necessity. And Kindness comes from a position of strength.

Stay positive always. But always remember that the only currency that's being spent without a trace of balance is TIME. As you desire to spend it emotionally, nicely, and kindly, don't also forget to spend it mindfully.

As I end here with my writing, I hope to see you all at the top as the bottom is too crowded.

Your humble and lovely friend @johnpetra!

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