It looks like it's a "chicken" [Esp/Eng]
Es increíble que sea viernes, día en que les enseñó a mis amigos de esta maravillosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: preciosas fotografías de hongos que son más que ideales para participar de este maravilloso ¨FungiFridayContest¨: que administra mi amigo @ewkaw. Lo que más me gusta de esta iniciativa, además de compartir con todos los hongos que descubrimos en mi ciudad, la oportunidad de aprender de la existencia de otras especies que hay en otras partes del mundo

Source: Family Álbum
It's amazing that it's Friday, the day I showed my friends about this wonderful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: beautiful photographs of mushrooms that are more than ideal to participate in this wonderful ¨FungiFridayContest¨: run by my friend @ewkaw. What I like most about this initiative, besides sharing with everyone the mushrooms we discovered in my city, the opportunity to learn about the existence of other species that exist in other parts of the world
Me encantaría decir que esta ha sido una visita que hemos hecho al predio en busca de hongos, pero la verdad es que ha sido una de esas caminatas que tengo que hacer por ¨indicación¨¨medica¨; como saben, parte del tratamiento para una de mis ¨afecciones¨ es la caminata, y como me encanta caminar en lugares donde se puede hacer contacto con la naturaleza voy a caminar a esta reserva. Este al parecer ha sido nuestro día de suerte, ya que dimos con tres preciosos tipos de hongos, el primer hongo lo encontramos por casualidad, mientras caminaba por la pradera y por poco termino pisando a este hermoso ¨Hongo-coprófilo¨: Se llama de esta manera a todos los tipos de hongos que tienen la necesidad de ¨estiércol¨ de animales para desarrollarse

Source: Family Álbum
I would love to say that this has been a visit we have made to the property in search of mushrooms, but the truth is that it has been one of those walks that I have to do by ¨medical indication¨; as you know, part of the treatment for one of my ¨conditions¨ is walking, and since I love walking in places where you can make contact with nature, I am going to walk to this reserve. This seems to have been our lucky day, as we found three beautiful types of mushrooms. We found the first mushroom by chance while walking through the meadow and almost ended up stepping on this beautiful ¨Hongo-coprófilo¨: This is the name given to all types of mushrooms that need animal ¨manure¨ to develop
Me encanta cuando una simple caminata se convierte en una aventura, y como esto sucede seguido en la reserva, siempre llevo mi cámara para documentar mis hallazgos. En otro sector del predio volvimos a encontrar a estos pequeños y preciosos hongos conocidos como ¨bola¨ de ¨tierra¨, que por su color y textura diría que se trata de una especie conocida con el nombre de ¨Scleroderma-citrinum¨: Este tipo de hongos no son de esos que encontramos con mucha frecuencia, si mal no recuerdo esta es la segunda vez que los vemos, y debo decir que ha sido genial volver a dar con ellos

Source: Family Álbum
I love it when a simple hike turns into an adventure, and since this happens often in the reserve, I always bring my camera to document my findings. In another part of the property we found these small and beautiful mushrooms known as "balls" of "earth", which by their color and texture I would say that they are a species known by the name of "Scleroderma-citrinum": These types of mushrooms are not the ones that we find very often, if I remember correctly this is the second time we have seen them, and I must say that it has been great to find them again
El tercer hongos también lo hallamos producto de la casualidad, dado que ya estábamos regresando a casa cuando en unos de los senderos que nos lleva a la salida del predio dimos con estos hongos conocido con el nombre de ¨Laetiporus-sulphureus¨: estos preciosos hongos estaban en una gran rama de un árbol que se ha caído con los fuertes ¨vientos¨ que están soplando hace algunas semanas, y el predio esta regado de ramas por todos los senderos

Source: Family Álbum
We also found the third mushroom by chance, since we were already returning home when on one of the paths that leads us to the exit of the property we found these mushrooms known by the name of ¨Laetiporus-sulphureus¨: these Beautiful mushrooms were on a large branch of a tree that fell with the strong "winds" that have been blowing for a few weeks, and the property is strewn with branches all over the paths
Por lo que se puede apreciar estos hongos ¨pollo-del-bosque¨: están en etapa de desarrollo, y tienen mucho para crecer, dado que no es común verlos así de solitario, por lo que pude leer es de esos hongos que se pueda comer, y la verdad no me sorprende, ya que su apariencia invita a que lo llevemos a casa y preparar una deliciosa comida con ellos. Siempre es maravilloso no salir de casa sin nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ ya que siempre que vamos a este lugar, hay cosas preciosas para fotografiar

Source: Family Álbum
As you can see, these mushrooms ¨pollo-del-bosque¨: are in the development stage, and have a lot to grow, since it is not common to see them so alone, from what I could read, it is one of those mushrooms that can be eaten, and the truth is I am not surprised, since its appearance invites us to take it home and prepare a delicious meal with them. It is always wonderful not to leave home without our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera since whenever we go to this place, there are beautiful things to photograph

Source: vimeo-free-videos
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¡Con mucho gusto!
Gracias por usar @worldmappin 😀
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Thank you very much dear friends @travelfeed
Hello my friend @jlufer, how are you today.
I am amazed by some amazing types of mushrooms, the second type of mushroom is my favorite, I hope you have a pleasant day my friend 💗
Good morning dear friend @furkanmamplam
If I share with you, that is a really precious species
Thank you very much for the great support you always give me
Have a wonderful day
Mushrooms are used to prepare soup in my area
How are you, dear friend @samolaj? Good morning
I can only imagine how delicious the recipe for this dish must be
Have a beautiful day
Chicken of the Woods are delicious!
Good morning dear friend @ melinda010100 how are you?
The chicken of the woods mushrooms look very tempting, they make you want to prepare an exquisite meal with them
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
Have a beautiful day
Wowww ese último hongo que maravilla de hermoso, parece una capelina, un sombrero precioso. Me sorprende cada día sus formas y colores. Muchas gracias por traerlos!!
el mundo de los hongos es maravilloso, siempre hay algo hermoso por descubrir y ver, y es lo que me apasiona de ellos
Ese hongo es realmente muy llamativo y hermoso
Muchas gracias por estar siempre ahi querida amiga @avdesing
Que tengas un gran dia
Hermoso día para vos también!
You also managed to find some very beautiful types of mushrooms, my brother.
This is really amazing, I am very interested in the third mushroom, it is so beautiful.
This has been a great week for mushroom hunting, we have been looking for beautiful species, the chicken bisque mushrooms are really beautiful
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support that you give me
Have a beautiful day dear friend @riat
Nice to see your mushroom post my friend, have a nice day
I'm glad to know that you liked my post, dear friend @naislibertad
have a beautiful day
All the mushrooms you found are very beautiful, especially the last species, I love its shape and color
Beautiful photographs
Yes, the mushrooms we found are beautiful, the chicken of the woods is the best of all
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Good morning dear friends @travelfeed Thank you very much for appreciating and supporting my posts, you are really very kind
Que maravilla que tu caminata te haya llevado a descubrir esos hongos tan especiales.
Espero que sigas teniendo días de suerte como esté en tus paseos.
esta ha sido otra semana genial para los hongos, volvimos a dar con preciosas especies
Muchas gracias querido amigo @edgerik por estar siempre presente
Que tengas un hermoso dia
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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord
Thank you very much dear friends for appreciating and supporting my posts
I wish you all a great day
Indeed, it is nice to learn about other types of mushrooms or fungi through other people's posts and pictures.
You found amazing ones on your walk. It always fascinates me to see colorful ones as they are a rare sight in our place :)
Good morning dear friend @ifarmgirl
That's what I like most about this challenge, that you can learn about other species of mushrooms that exist in other parts of the world
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
Have a wonderful morning