A sad and gray day for the ¨WednesdayWalk¨ luckily we found beautiful flowers (Es-Eng)
Que alegría poder estar nuevamente aquí en esta genial ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨: para acompañar una vez más a mi amigo tattoodjay: en esta maravillosa iniciativa que tiene por finalidad mantenernos activos, ejercitar nuestro organismo, hacer cosas saludables por nuestro cuerpo y disfrutar haciendo fotografías de los lugares donde acostumbramos caminar

Source: Family Álbum
What a joy to be here again in this great ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨: to accompany my friend once again tattoodjay: in this wonderful initiative that aims to keep us active, exercise our body, do healthy things for our body and enjoy taking photographs of the places where we usually walk


Si han estado siguiendo mis post saben que en esta zona del mundo temperaturas extremas nos ha estado acechando, días donde la ¨sensación¨¨térmica¨ ha superado los 55 ¨grados¨¨centígrados¨ una verdadera locura antes nunca vista, esta es la primera vez en mis 55 años que sucede algo igual, es por eso que hemos estado teniendo estos atardeceres hermosos muy coloridos; según nuestros abuelos, decían que cuando los atardeceres eran así, anunciaban temperaturas extremas, y lo único que podría apaciguar era una lluvia en hora de la noche

Source: Family Álbum
If you have been following my posts you know that in this area of the world extreme temperatures have been stalking us, days where the "thermal sensation" has exceeded 55 "degrees" centigrade one true madness never seen before, this is the first time in my 55 years that something like this has happened, that is why we have been having these beautiful, very colorful sunsets; According to our grandparents, they said that when the sunsets were like this, they announced extreme temperatures, and the only thing that could appease was a rain at night
Después de tanto calor el clima se ha apiadado de nosotros, ayer durante la noche ha llovido torrencialmente, eso apaciguo un poco las cosas, y amaneció un poco más agradable, aunque debo decir, que el día es triste y gris, por suerte durante nuestra caminata hemos encontrado mucha vegetación y algunas plantas y árboles con flores

Source: Family Álbum
After so much heat the weather has taken pity on us, yesterday during the night it rained torrentially, that calmed things down a bit, and the morning dawned a little more pleasant, although I must say, than the The day is sad and gray, luckily during our walk we found a lot of vegetation and some flowering plants and trees
Las cosas hermosas y bellas en algún momento llega a su fin, hemos estado pasando días maravillosos y felices por la visita de mis seres queridos, pero desgraciadamente han tenido que regresar a casa, hemos vuelto a la normalidad, y en esta caminata se siente la falta de alegría, además, el día gris no ayuda mucho, si no fuera porque tuvimos bastante contacto con la naturaleza, hubiera sido un día deprimente

Source: Family Álbum
Beautiful and beautiful things at some point come to an end, we have been spending wonderful and happy days due to the visit of my loved ones, but unfortunately they have had to return home, we have returned to normality, and on this walk you feel the lack of joy, furthermore, the gray day does not help much, if it were not for the fact that we had enough contact with nature, it would have been a depressing day
Mi nieta Abigail no se acostumbra a la partida de su prima Alaia, ha estado muy triste en estos días, al punto que no ha querido venir con nosotros a caminar por la costa de la ciudad. En realidad, no ha sido el mejor día para caminar, el día esta gris y las tomas que hemos hecho con nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ no refleja otra cosa más que la realidad del momento, incluso algunas personas han sentido el fresco y se han abrigado más de la cuenta. Así ha sido nuestra caminata, un día triste y gris, que por suerte hemos hallado algunas plantas con bellas flores

Source: Family Álbum
My granddaughter Abigail is not getting used to the departure of her cousin Alaia, she has been very sad these days, to the point that she has not wanted to come with us to walk along the coast from the city. In reality, it has not been the best day to walk, the day is gray and the shots we have taken with our "nikoncoolpixb500" do not reflect anything other than the reality of the moment, some people have even felt the coolness and have dressed warmer. from account. This has been our walk, a sad and gray day, and luckily we have found some plants with beautiful flowers

Source: vimeo-free-videos
#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales
Such a wonderful walking experience you shared and the view of the flowers is truly amazing to watch.
Thank you very much dear friend, you are very kind
have a wonderful day
the heat must be really excruciating my friend. I think I would stat inside with that kind of temperature. So happy that the rain came and cooled things down.
have a great day ahead my friend. cheers
It's true, dear friend @ekavieka, the heat in the city has been unbearable, luckily it has given us a little rest
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me.
Have a great day
Me ha encantado hacer esta caminata por estas imágenes llenas de naturaleza y flores... hoy me hacen falta. Gracias @jlufer ❤️
Que genial que hayas disfrutado esta caminata virtual querida amiga @avdesing en cercania a naturaleza y bellas flores
Muchas gracias por apreciar mis fotografias
que tengas una excelente tarde
Esos árboles me fascinan cada vez que los veo, ya alegran la vista!
es verdad, los lapachos dan vida a la ciudad
Que tengas un gran dia
Igualmente, que tengas un muy buen día!✨
I like how this post and the photos themselves are both a little bit sad but with a hint of hope and positivity! Beautifully done.
jlufer, hellsveiah sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily
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How are you dear friend @hellsveiah good afternoon
Thank you very much for stopping by and sharing a comment, you are very kind.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon
Thank you! Hope you have a lovely evening. 😁
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)
It is always a pleasure to accompany your initiatives
have a great day
Hopefully the rain will come soon to cool things down a bit.
Take good care and stay cool 😎🌅🌧️
I love reading your posts!
jlufer, edgerik sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily
Made with LUV by crrdlx.
At this moment it is raining heavily in the city, although the temperature has dropped a little, it is still hot
Thank you very much dear friend for the great support you give me every day.
Have a great day dear friend @ederrik
Beating the sun's heat is no joke. I'm glad that you had experience torrential rain to calm everything. Anyway, thank you for sharing @jlufer !
Yes, the intense heat can be unbearable, although now it is a little more acceptable.
It is a pleasure to be able to share my walks
Thank you very much for the great support you give me
Have a great day
Cómo siempre hermosas imágenes de tu región, a pesar del gris todo luce espectacular ✌️✨
Corrientes es una ciudad muy bonita, apesar del dia gris
Que pases un gran dia querido amigo
Very beautiful view the place is clean and you can see the Cherry blossoms. Thank you, greetings from indonesia.happy day.
how are you dear friend good morning
I hope you are having a great day there in Indonesia.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me.